
Topic: Strategy

Diversification As A Winning Strategy

发布byriaz_naleeron 25 Points
With the continues slow down in business and expected future decline in our business, we are finding ways to improve our cash flow and longterm stability. For this we are thinking of options of diversifying into new areas of business. It's risky divesifying but it's the need of the hour compare to the market situation.
Any industry you can suggest us to concentrate and run as profitable and atractive? please give your ideas on implementing the strategy effectively. We are currently in to selling machineries for the apparel industry in SRI LANKA.
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  • 发布bymichaelon Member
    It depends on if you manufacture the machines or just sell them.

    Take a look at what else your customers need. POS systems? Office supplie?

    If you're good, you have the relationships and some company is eager to have access to your accounts.

  • 发布byJay Hamilton-Rothon Member
    Sell machinery in other countries. Help clothing importers find clothing manufacturers. Help clothing manufacturers improve their quality/efficiency.
  • 发布on Accepted
    for diversification your business you may choose out of below three options -
    1- diversified in a business that have same characteristics, features as your existing product - this would definitely allow you and your employee to cope with all areas as you are already having experienced in this field

    2- diversify in a business that you may use your current customer base any try ro push this new product and services to them on affordable rate but quality should be OK.

    3- diversified into absolute unrelated market, unrelated product - where you would start form scratch and it would entail higher selling and administrative and marketing cost

    so best idea is to try to find out cause an effect relationship factors that are forcing your business to unprofitable. and importantly concentrate on such activities of our sourcing - ie raw material, unfinished product. COST leadership and differentiation is vital element to gain profit. try to push back your cost that would lead you to offer good margin to your distribution network hence profit would automatically raise.

    Thank you,

    [Email address deleted by staff]
  • 发布on Accepted
    I would consider three points:

    1. Talk to your best customers, the ones that are likely to buy something else from you, and ask them where they need help or where they are bleeding at.

    2. This is very risky/tricky, but you can look to acquire another company that is need. This will instantly give you marketshare and a deal on existing resources. If you can determine how to turn the company around this could give you a good ROI.

    3. Determine what business could reduce your existing costs. What do you currently have to buy? If you owned a larger share of the end-result resources, you can increase your profits.
  • 发布byriaz_naleeron Author
    Thank you for your response. Mean time this use to be a forum of professionals. But sad to see some idiots try to share knowlegde.

    Thanks very much for all the respondents.

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