
Topic: Taglines/Names

Stuck Naming A Company!!

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
The service would be sold to contractors. My company would follow a construction process (home building...landscaping etc.) with digital photographs. The pictures would be put into a professional scrapbook for presentation to the homeowner as a keepsake. Does anyone have any ideas on a name for this type of service? It's not an easy business to describe so it's hard to come up with a catchy professional sounding name. Thank you for your ideas!!
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  • Posted bybetterwords4youon Accepted
    One Story Services

    Story Builders

    (want more?)

  • Posted on Author
    Awesome...keep em coming!
  • Posted bybetterwords4youon Member
    Talking Timber

    Structural Stories

    Open Door Inc.

  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Member
    Product names:
    How Your Home Was Made
    Making Of Your Home
    Know Your Home Inside And Out
    Your Home History (it might also be fun to add historical photos from your local Historical society for the house/area)

    Company names:
    Home Construction Biographies
  • Posted byGiselleon Member
    Home Construction Storyboard
    Home History Timeline
    Tracking Home Building
    B回家uilding Timeline
  • Posted byprhyatton Accepted
    Hi, Chris-

    I think this is an awesome idea. If done properly, the customer has a record that is both practical and emotionally meaningful. We did this ourselves when we built our home, but how wonderful it would have been to have this done for us! I would love to see your marketing plan.

    Now, for a name and tag line:


    "A pictorial home construction chronicle"
    "A pictorial homebuilding diary"
    "Making memories; preserving value"
    "Digital homebuilding documentaries"

    Good luck with this-
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you for your wonderful feedback!


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