
Topic: E-Marketing

Need An Email List For Non-profit Acquisition Test

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
我现在在marketing committee for a small non-profit in Dallas. I plan to do an email campaign to see if we can spread the word and build the local donor base through email, but I don't know where to rent a list. Any leads for reliable list brokers?
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  • Posted byarthurscon Accepted
    Cynthia, first of all, I recommend AllMedia at;I've worked with Scott Caufield there for years,in the past, and he's terrific. Mention my name if you do contact him.

    But I question the premise. Email list rental is expensive--delivered, it can cost up to $400/M, not including creative. For a test run of 5M, the typical minumum, that's as high as $2000 right there.

    I'm skeptical rented email lists can be profitable for a small non-profit. I've been on the Board of Directors for one in Boston for 10 years (I do the fundraising) and I would not go near a rented list.

    Sounds like you don't have your own list yet at all. One thing I've done is work with other non-profits and develop a segment of a list that we can use. We've also had other non-profits who supported our activities email their list on our behalf. We promote sign ups for "alerts" on our website, and plan to start an eNewsletter. So using our website and organic search are some of the ways we build our list.

    Good luck.
    Arthur Cohen

  • Posted on Accepted
    I use:

    Jerry Mamola
    Amity Direct, Inc.
    Phone 732-833-4334
    Fax 732-928-4743
  • Posted on Accepted
    Hope all is well. This is Mark Adler from Optinbuilders. We are an online marketing firms and we would be able to provide marketing solutions like email marketing list, email campaign, appending etc. We provide active and verified opt-in email addresses. We would be able to provide you with the list based on your target criteria.

    As you mentioned that you are looking to do email campaign, thus Optinbuilders could be the one shop stop for all your marketing needs. You can either buy the list or rent the list. We have a master data base of 50 million + business and 300 million + consumer records with active and verified opt-in email addresses. Our Business lists can be used for multi channel marketing as they come with complete information like Company, Contact name, Title, Company Address, Phone number, Fax number, Email address, SIC codes, Industry, Website address, Revenue, Employee size etc. On Consumer lists we would be able to provide you with information like Contact name, Address, City, Zip code, Telephone number, Marital Status, Household Income etc

    We would even be able to roll out email campaigns to your target audience and would provide you with complete tracking details like email responses, leads, clickthroughs, open rates etc.

    Cynthia, could you provide me with some more insights on this project so that we can have a better understanding of it which would help us to understand the project and help us to provide you with the appropriate solution.

    Let me know if you require any additional information.

    Contact me either through the forum or via email on my profile page.
  • Posted on Accepted

    I am a list broker but I do not specialize in fund raising offers.
    When I was a list manager 17 years ago I worked with All Media and Scott. They are a good place to start and they are local. They are also good people!!

    Good Luck

  • Posted byarthurscon Member
    Cynthia, thx for the info. I see you are in a difficult situation and standard organic list growth tactics are not available to you. I would still try to explore working with other complementary (but not necessarily competitive for donor dollars) non-profits if you can. You have nothing to swap or barter, but maybe you'll find some good people.

    But I see where list rental becomes more important. Sometimes a list owner will approve a minimum waiver, so you could test a list of 1M or 2M w/o such a big investment.

    I also see another reco for Scott at Allmedia, and if anyone can get a waiver he can. I have worked with dozens of List Brokers over the years, and others that I like are Direct Media, Statlistics, IDG List Brokerage (that one perhaps more B2B), if Scott isn't for you.

    As for e-appends, you sound like you know all about this from your day job. I'm sure Nathan is a reliable vendor, but there are others--Fresh Address and Return Path to name two, and it might behoove you to explore them as well as Nathan--cost and hit rate comparisons, source of addresses, etc


  • Posted byflangeron Member
    I really their software and lists are so good, i run my own marketing biz and use them for a year or two. Plus I subscribed at get free ebook and tactics every week - so useful, great solutions about promotion and advertising, plus free ebook every week for everyone who subscribes.

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