
Topic: Career/Training

Chances Of Getting Good Marketing/advertising Job

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
I'm currently in my Junior year of college and going for a degree in Marketing and a Minor in Advertising. I work for a small marketing consulting company where I design business cards, logos, fliers, and the sorts. Also, I won a state-wide logo contest. I'm very creative but I don't wish to become only a graphic designer for my future employer. What are my chances of getting a good Marketing/Advertising job where I don't focus on all the graphic designing but rather brand/product promotion? And the things I have accomplished as a logo designer...will it help me get a good paying job?
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  • Posted byjoshuacrumbaughon Accepted
    These are attributes I feel every Marketing professional should know. Your best chances will be in marketing to smaller companies that want the benefits of a full marketing department without the full expense. The more useable marketing technologies you learn the better your odds will become. Also, keep in mind that you're in marketing and no one will hire you if you can't even get their attention on your resume. Think outside the box and make your resume unique it is what most executivese are looking for in a marketing professional. I've been extremely creative in my production of resumes and it has never let me down yet.

    Joshua D. Crumaugh
  • Posted byPeter (henna gaijin)on Accepted
    You sound like you are making the right moves no to get a good job - the degree and the marketing consulting job are good backgrounds.

    If your area has a marketing association like AMA in the area, you may want to also join. The meetings for the association will let you meet people from other areas of marketing, both providing insight into what else is out there and also provide networking opportunities.

    If you are not already, try to get some work in the consulting firm where you are doing more than "designing logos". For example, if you are designing fliers, that should also include massaging the wording so that the best message is presented. There are many areas in the jobs you have mentioned you are doing beyond just graphic design, and you should try to work on those areas also if you can to get more varied experience.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Dear Narmi05,

    First of all congrats on choosing a very cool and rewarding career :-)

    My advice would be to try both. You are certainly young enough to do that.

    You may find (as I did) that graphic design is much more hands on creative than product/brand promotion where you will be doing a lot more paperwork and going to meetings.

    They are quite different in focus.

    You many find you really "need" to be doing the graphic design work rather than stratigizing and directing others.

    However, being a brand manager will very likely put you on a higher pay scale.

    Finally, what will help you get a good paying job often has little to do with your skill set. In all the design jobs I was hired for (before founding my own company) I was hired because I had something in common with the person hiring or my future boss (like golf)

    It is all about relationships and networking.

    My final piece of (great!) advice. Take a public speaking program (like Toastmasters) - It will do more for your career than you could imagine.

    All the best,

    [URL deleted by staff]
  • Posted byflangeron Member
    hey, dudes, I found great portal that gives away free ebooks every week - all subscribers get 'em every week. Not a cheap stuff but great tactics and secrets of marketing. Love it! it. I really use many of them!
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you to everyone who replied to my question. There was a lot of good information posted here and I learned some things I could work on to improve my own marketability.

    Thanks Everyone!

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