
Topic: Student Questions

Brand Cricis Management & How To Rebuild A Brand

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I'm writing my dissertation and wish to explore brand crisis management and what a company can do to rebuild its brand post-crisis. Who are the prominent figures in the field? As i'm really struggling to find information regarding this topic!
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  • Posted byilanon Accepted
    Look at the Tylenol poisoning case, its a classic.
    Look at Coke Classic from 1984, another classic case.

    它的作tant to understand what is the perspective on the crisis.
    If its poison, like Tylenol was, you need quick response to gain the trust of the consumer.
    If its bad fraudulent financial management like Enron + Arthur Andersen, you have different problems...
    So there are many different ways to save a brand in crisis.
  • Posted bypamelahon Accepted
    You would probably find a lot of case studies and resources through reputation management and public relations (crisis communications) sources. Odwalla juice is another good example of how a company proactively handled a brand crisis. Firestone would be a poor example, I think their crisis occurred in the 90s.

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