
Topic: Advertising/PR

How To Market "hard To Find Real Estate"

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
We are in need/searching for an eye catching/memorable way to direct potential customers/home buyers to a "hard to find" geographically new subdivision of residential homes off a little known street in Destin, FL other than just giving directions on the web or showing on advertising/literature for those not familiar with the area. Markings perhaps?? Any suggestions??
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  • Posted byBambion Accepted
    你考虑过交叉促销吗te with local radio station to stage a clue-based treasure hunt that culminates in a carnival type activity (sausage sizzle, give aways, bands, all the usual suspects) at the subdivision? Would local authorities allow you to paint images along the pavements leading into the entry point (or chalk drawings which will wash off)? If people are coming from far afield can you use the airspace? If for a specific and short period of time - signwriting?
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Follow the Yellow Brick Road - type signage
    A treasure hunt, where each sign leads to the next ("Almost at you Destin-ation").
  • Posted byflangeron Accepted
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