
Topic: E-Marketing

Memorial Day Email Promo Idea...nutritionals

发布的Anonymous on 250 Points
I am struggling to come up with a unique Memorial Day Weekend email promotion for two content alternative health letters that sell nutritional products.

We have done a buy 2 get for a penny in the past that did well and we could repeat the idea. But I was looking for something new that would resonate with older folks interested in alternative medicine and nutritional products.

Any ideas out there? :-)

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  • 发布的flangeron Member
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  • Posted on Accepted
    Are you emailing customers who have purchased from you before? What are you trying to achieve -- just drive another order? Are you trying to get customers to try additional products, or increase their average order size, or ?

    To craft the most effective offer, tell us what your specific objective is. I wouldn't suggest a percentage discount -- a specific dollar savings always works better. That's because most people can't calculate what the percentage equals -- and so a percentage off doesn't immediately attract attention like a specific dollar savings.
  • 发布的Inbox_Interactiveon Accepted
    You might look at how the offer is presented in addition to just the offer itself.

    We do a fair amount of work in the "health and wealth" arena (newsletters and their related products) and have been at it for about 15 years now.

    As I am sure you know, in some cases long copy (yes, even in email or online) outpulls short copy. Liberal use of testimonials can also help.

    You can also enhance your offer not only by discounting the product but also by providing one or more free reports or improving your guarantee (100% even for an empty bottle).

    What I'm getting at is that the offer is just the beginning of the thought process.

    - Paul

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