
Topic: Advertising/PR

Tv Show Needs Sponsors

Posted by Anonymous on 2750 Points
I am seeking suggestions and/or contacts for show sponsors / spot buyers for a holiday special show due to air on CBS on Mother's and Father's day.

The show "Who Made You?" features inspiring stories from top world wide athletes like Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, and Archie, Eli & Peyton Manning. The stories of love and inspiration are told in their own words. Everyone who sees the stories are motivated to work hard, play hard, and do what it takes to make dreams come true. The segments are designed for broadcast, broadband, and mobile viewing.

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Look forward to hearing from you,

Thanks, SM

Steve McRae
Great Story
Worldwide Media Marketing

[Moderator: Inactive link removed from post. 2/14/2011]
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  • Posted byInbox_Interactiveon Member
    I admit it. I'm confused.

    I'm pretty sure CBS has a sales department.

  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Obvious sponsors: floral distributors (1-800 flowers, etc.), Amazon, Apple, major insurance companies, and Big Brothers/Sisters.
  • Posted byPaul Linnellon Accepted
    Hi Steve

    How about “piggybacking” on the sponsors of the athletes you have selected. This is precisely why these companies have sponsored these athletes in the first place – to get visibility every time they are in the public eye.

    You are offering them a great opportunity to amplify this visibility. Target major sponsors of the athletes and their sports. For example: State Lotteries, Southwest, Verizon, Nike, Kraft, MasterCard, Sony, Sprint, Zurich etc.

    Hope this helps

  • Posted byK.J.P.on Accepted
    With Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods forming part of the feature, I see no reason why Nike won't clamor to be a major sponsor (unless it already is).

    I remember a sports feature of CNN Classic using Cinderella Stories in the history of sports. The part about "motivated to work hard, play hard, and do what it takes to make dreams come true" is certainly right up the alley of what Walt Disney is all about, so they can be a show sponsor as well too and you can pitch the fact they did something similar with CNN.

    You can also check outwww.masters.orgwhere they currently ask the audience to participate on how they can make "golf worldwide." The fascination about the game because of mainly because Tiger Woods has transcended age, nationality and class. PGA or The Masters seem to me a very good potential too.
  • Posted byjoshuacrumbaughon Accepted

    There are a great number more places to be considered here. University of Pheonix (Start the path to your dream today.) Include any other dream service type companies. E-harmony, Hallmark, new heartfelt movies premiering, car companies (they'll advertise on anything), major jewelry stores, malls (occupancy is down: play into that), radio shack (have you ever gone through a fathers day without seeing one of their ads?) There are a lot more. Were you looking for national ideas or local ideas?

    Joshua D. Crumbaugh
  • Posted on Member
    simple try to convince all companies who make products and give services specialy for mother and father
    and ur next focous will be on father and mother related things like thier family childerns etc
  • Posted bysaul.dobneyon Accepted
    It would seem exactly the thing financial companies would go for - long term relationships looking after clients and achieving success. Indeed any long-term brand would seem appropriate. Are you working with the media sales teams of CBS - presumably they would help.

    And just a small point, but you sponsor package on your site doesn't display properly - I see a lot of random characters (Firefox).
  • Posted byjcasalouon Accepted
    There are several solid ideas for you to use here. I can't help to say that if you have done your homework and identified your target demographic...well should be able to think of hundreds of sponsors for your program.

    In addition to Linnell's idea of using the celebraties current sponsors to cross-promote. All of these famous people that you are using in this holiday special are most definitely involved in other events i.e. sporting events, tournaments etc...

    Contact the people running those events and let them know about your project and how the athletes are involved.
  • Posted byLevonon Member
    Get a AC/DC to sponsor the music. Who Made Who was a great song and there is a line in the songs that says Who Made You!

  • Posted on Accepted
    The person I'd recommend to you is Linda at's real good at getting sponsors and teaching others how to do it, too. Tell her Maria Marsala sent you - if you contact her.
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks EVERYONE for the great answers. We have assembled a list of target sponsors and advertisers, honed our demographics and have put in the calls and emails to those targets. The progress is slower than expected, given the urgency. Any suggestions for getting to the right buyers faster?
  • Posted on Member
    1) Pay someone like the wealthy bag lady to do it for you.

    2) Send a note out to everyone you know asking them if they'll sponsor it or know someone who can -- they can provide you with their contact information AND the OK to use their names when you call them.

    Othewise, yes, it's a very slow process. However, once you do it, and get folks on boad, and the event is successful, then all you need to do keep in touch with the sponsors.

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