
Topic: Research/Metrics

Market Research Resources - Healthcare Industry

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hello All,

My client is a physician and he is trying to conduct market research for his specialized practice for a minimal fee. He is trying to obtain, demographic information including age, types of jobs, types of insurance, income level, etc. for select US cities.

I'm trying to find a few small-medium market research firms to contact that will offer a quick turnaround.

Thank you for your assistance.

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  • Posted byEnvisionTheNewon Accepted
    There is an abundance of market research available to purchase. A simple Google search will turn up numerous companies offering completed research and studies that will answer your client's question. We have Studies range from $250 - $3000 and up.

    Unless you are conducting primary research, a market research firm will be pulling from these same sources. You are unlikely to find anyone to conduct primary research for a minimal fee. Research is time-consuming.

    If you are looking for a company that can help you determine which research or studies will best answer your clients questions, we can conduct a review and offer a list of suggestions. Or, for a bit more, we can also purchase, read and summarize the results of the various research pieces selected. We recently completed a similar project for a travel management company. You can connect with us through our profile link.

    All the best in your search!
  • Posted byMaximuson Accepted
    As you client is looking for consumer information (demographics) like their Age group, Salary Range, insurance, etc. I am sure instead of buying that information you can seek out from website which will give you precise data by year and by US States. All this you can get with out paying any penny instead of paying Thousand of Dollars.


    and also this:

    Hope this idea will work for you.


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