
Topic: Advertising/PR

Advertising Ideas For Auto Body Repair Shop

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I'm seeking ideas on ways to promote our Auto Body Repair business. We have been in business since 1988 and have started serving generations in our community. My problem is I am stumped for good ideas on a good promotion that will A.) Attract new customers. b.) Reward our old customers.
I would like to celebrate the fact that we have been in business for 20 years, as well as do some sort of give aways or promotional items to bring in new business. Our budget is limited. Any and all ideas will be greatly appreciated.
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  • Posted bytuffy1127on Member
    我将专注于两代人。你是否are looking at billboards, radio, tv or print. Subject lines could focus on uncomfortable parent child conversations. The adult in us can still remember what it was like when we had to tell mom and dad we crunched the car - this lets the younger generation in on the "shame and fear" that their parents once felt. The old, you felt like this once, Dad. Then, you come to the rescue because you fixed up their parents' crunches and can do the same for them. Your tag line could focus on smoothing out family dents for years...or something along those lines. I could think of lots of really entertaining scripting and yes, I am for hire. Google me at MoonDANCE Marketing. Brenda.
  • Posted on Member
    A postcard mailing is a good way to go, as you can purchase mailing lists according to the zip codes you want to pull in business from. If you do paintless dent repair, for the promo – you could offer ‘buy one dent repair and get one free” .
    Otherwise a billboard is a good local investment too, because your target market drives right by your ads – a billboard in a good location will net you a lot of good marketing impressions.
    Whatever you choose to use – keep your message simple. Perhaps show a graphic of a car from 20 years ago and the same model in 2008 and say “From 1988 to 2008 – celebrating 20 years of serving our community.
  • Posted on Author
    Hey thanks for the responses but I am thinking more of a one day promotion or a weekend promotion, it would be nice to add in a bikini car wash or something, but there is a car wash directly across the street from our shop.
  • Posted bytuffy1127on Accepted
    If you are looking for a one day promotion - then offer something for $20.00. Contact previous customers and have them tell their friends. For every friend they refer for the one day promotion - then follow up with a 20% discount off of a one time service to everyone that sent a friend. If you are obsessed with the bikini wash, then promote a 20% coverage - which is probably more of the body than most bikinis cover. LOL
  • Posted byflangeron Member
    By my mind, Blueliner Agency develops best advertising campaigns. You should try them!
  • Posted on Author
    Good ideas but I think we are going to steer away from the bikini's (too sleazy maybe) and do t-shirts with the company name. LOL .
  • Posted on Member
    We got a client with a case like yours. We use the concept that they can do whatever to metal! just think about. We use print advertising because it was the most cost effective media for the client. We use prints with spoons, soda cans, rings even cell phones everithing its made qith metal..... we show it to the public with damage and after repaired. It was very good and profitable promotion. If you want more ideas let me know . We can send you a package of that project. ;)
    One of the prints said...that spoon cost $$$$$ (it was a nice and recognized brand made on silver). After show the picture of the spoon repaired. It reads. Yes we can repair it. So it let the customers know that the item is expensive..metal..and you can repair it.
  • Posted on Member
    Dollar for dollar, Google Adwords has given our auto body repair service its best return.

    auto body repair beaverton

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