
Topic: Strategy

Create A Marketing Service In A Company

Posted bymalkosbmon 25 Points
I come to be recruited by a family company of traditional pastry situated in the meddle east. This company is created in 1970 and it comprises 300 employees including 30 officers. The company commercialise in its local market and it exports for occidental markets (France, Belgium, Germany…).
I need suggestions for the best way to create a marketing service and culture in such as company. How to motivate employees for a marketing contribution and How i ll proceed to plan my job and to define a marketing strategy and plan. Knowing that i’m a young marketer with 5 years experience.
Many thanks
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  • Posted byCarolBlahaon Accepted
    Your success won't be in creating a culture, but working within the established culture. A company established as such has a very established culture. You're going to have to lead vs solicit contributions. I'd focus on the SWAT analysis, what is working, what isn't. The strengths and weaknesses of the company and its competitors. I'd meet with your largest customers and pick their brains. Again, what is working and what isn't. What do they need to make you more important to them. How can you be a better resource to them.
  • Posted on Accepted

    Your Goal
    The first place start is with defining a goal. For example, do you want to increase revenue by a certain percentage?

    In order to create a strategy to reach the goal that you establish, you need to conduct some research. That will include an examination of your company and competitors. Use the standard Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) model to map out this information. The analysis of your competitors will be particularly important because it will allow you to see what your company’s “position” is in the market. This will help you understand how your company is different and how it’s better. It will also give you some insight on what you may have to do to become a better company.

    Establishing Marketing Creditability
    If your company executives do not believe marketing is important, than you need to find research or draw examples from successful companies that use marketing to increase revenue. Find examples from within your industry as well as outside of your industry. Reduce your findings to a simple point “companies that spend # on marketing have improved sales by X”.

    Employee Motivation
    这与帮助员工理解your goal and what that means to them personally. Does it mean job security? Better pay? Many companies also use rewards programs to motivate employees to go above and beyond. You can also help employees understand and participate in your marketing initiatives by educating them on marketing. Can you have ‘Marketing Matters” discussions over lunch to teach them one or two things about the role of marketing and what it can achieve? Use them in brainstorming of ideas to help improve business.

    1) establish your goal 2) create a plan/strategy to reach that goal 3) monitor your progress and edit your plan as needed.
  • Posted on Accepted
    I was all set to respond, but after reading Chanbrig's I think it's pretty well complete.

    I would emphasize finding out what the goal is. Eastern European culture being different than U.S. I'd be sure what exactly the goal really is. If you need to decide on a goal, just be sure it's aligned with the company mission and doesn't branch away from the direction they want to go.

    ...but Chanbrig's comments are dead on.
  • Posted bymalkosbmon Author
    Many thanks for your help
    If you have any another information
    you can write to me at :

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