
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need Help With Name/tagline For Odd Job Company

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
My husband and a good friend have recently decided to go into business together doing various odd jobs. I am however the person that was put in charge of coming up with a name for this business, and am quite a scatterbrain over it! I am hoping maybe someone with more creative thought may have some ideas to help me with my task! The basics to this business so far are yard clean up, scrap metal removal, landscaping, interior and exterior home work and various other odd jobs. Hope someone can help me!
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  • Posted byFrank Hurtteon Accepted
    Od D. Job - PhD (Personal Handy Dependable)
    Call the professor of house hold chores
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    This Old Spouse: Miscellaneous Home Jobs
    Honey-Done: Home Chore Lists Completed
  • Posted on Accepted
    the Sky's The Limit Odd Job Services, where the number of services offered are sky high but the prices are not"
  • Posted bymalkosbmon Accepted
    * Odd man out ( a home service that comes out of the ordinary)

    * Like My Home : Do work like for my home

    * Easily Done : when Doing Chores become very easy

    * One Team Odd (OTO) : Work as a team to get things done more easy

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