
Topic: E-Marketing

Email Senders

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
I am looking for a high quality email sending software. Has anyone had good experience with any that they could recommend? Must send out a minimum of 50,000 per hour.
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  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
  • Posted on Accepted
    Email Marketer is used by many web hosting companies, it will handle volume.
  • Posted byNeilon Accepted
    I work for theStreamSend Email Marketing服务。你might want to try us out.

    There is no contract so you could try us for a month or two and see how things work out. With any service, though, you would not want to send out 50,000 emails right away. You would want to work up to it over a couple weeks or so.

    In our case, every paying customer (above a free trial) gets a fresh, private IP address so you would want to start out by sending about 10,000 every 24 hours and reviewing delivery reports to make sure all is going well.

    After about a week at that level you can start increasing your volume. After a few weeks or so, you could easily be sending 50,000 or more at a time. Our server facility is pretty industrial strength and could get 50,000 emails out in just a few minutes. We have multiple database servers and multiple, redundant high-speed connections to the Internet.

    We call this ramping up. You do not want to shock the ISPs but all of a sudden sending out large volumes. I think most ESPs, like us, would want you to ramp up your volume. First off, they all (like us) would want to make sure you do not get a lot of spam complaints...
  • Posted on Accepted
    你have a choice between renting a service (like Aweber or Get Response) or hosting one on your own.

    I like Send Studio, because it is self hosted, you can get it private label, there are no reoccurring fees, and you maintain complete control of your database. The rate at which you send emails depends in large part on who hosts it for you.

    When you own your autoresponder, you can upload your current database without requiring them to re-opt in. Asking customers to opt-in again decimates an otherwise good database.

    I am an affiliate for Send Studio, and I chose them over several other services. They have good customer support and are used by very large companies. They are a stable platform. That is key because your database is your business!

    你can learn more about them here :|||468|60 (copy and paster the entire code string

    Karen Miner Hurd

  • Posted byTryswitchon Accepted
    This what we use
    we have never sent out that 50,000 before at a go but they offer free trial.
    investigate to see if it suits. you can also call them to ask just be be sure.
  • Posted byflangeron Member
    try this guys - will help you with any question on marketing, newsletter campaign or advertising, and even promotion. Try them

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