
Topic: Other


Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
MK Strategic Management Consultants Pvt Ltd has been working to provide management expertise .
We need professional partners all over the world. We have a unique support system.
We want to know;
1. Is there any agency which can help us to get max partners?
2. What is the best way to achieve max target?
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  • Posted byadammjwon Accepted
    Looking at what you charge and expect of candidate partners I would not say you stand a fair chance of getting partners on board.To me it looks like a scam than anything else.
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Your website needs to clearly state the benefit of joining your organization. Currently the website is about the application and fee, and almost nothing is written about: WHY I should join, WHAT type of people are you looking for, HOW you'll help me, etc.

    One avenue you might consider is affiliate marketing (
  • Posted on Accepted
    I agree with the fellow members' comments, your site does not really give out concrete information on what you can exactly do and offer to your existing clients and prospective partners.

    If you are looking for ways to attract corporate partners thru this website, I suggest you take a very good look at how you want the potential partners to assess your company.

    Strategic partnerships must work both ways and parties involved must mutually benefit from the partnerships. In your case, it sounds like everything else is only coming from your point of view. It only states what you want out of your potential partners and with a huge stress on the fees that needs to be paid. You need to highlight more on your services and the benefits your partners can expect from you before you even discuss the financial aspect of it.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Someone I know received an inquiry from this company to become a partner, and all I can say is that it totally looks like a scam to me. Huge money -- for what??! I see no benefits to the partner company, just lots of non-refundable fees. Definitely doesn't seem legitimate...
  • Posted byflangeron Accepted
    One of the best marketers in USA - great internet marketing agency with good staff. Any activity - from promotion and seo/sem to advertising and socializing.
  • Posted byflangeron Member
    I represent one of the biggest online marketing and online advertising agencies in USA. The right people to help you to get max partners.

    Corporate website -

    Blog -

    Latest article -

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