
Topic: Strategy

Yellow And Blue Test To Identify Marketing Myopia?

Posted byAmSamon 500 Points
Michael Fischler talk about a "Yellow and Blue Test" to identify symptoms of marketing myopia, in one of his articles on, and he mentions "you words" and "them words". But, I haven't come across with any resource on the internet about this "yellow and blue test" or the list of "you words" and "them words" Fischler talking about.

I am really interested in this test, and especially to know what these "you words" and "them words" in marketing communication materials.

Can someone help me?
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  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Member
    I think you're looking for a list of key customer desires ("them words"). Here's one such list (from Napoleon Hill's Keys To Success):
    1. Self Preservation
    2. Love
    3. Fear
    4. Sex
    5. Desire for life after death
    6. Anger
    7. Hate
    8. Desire for recognition & self-expression
    9. Freedom for mind & body
    10. Wealth

    In the article the you words were: fun/self-confidence (#8 & #9). If you want a list of words, sit down with a thesaurus to develop a more comprehensive list.
  • Posted byAmSamon Author
    Thanks cpappas,

    Now it's all clear for me. I thought, Michael was talking about a specific set of words as "you words" and "them words". All we have to do is, use our judgement and highlight the "you words" and "them words" in respective colors.

    Thanks again!

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