
Topic: E-Marketing

Helpon E-advertising Strategy

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
What sort of internet advertising strategy will help create awareness of a new product line of a cosmetic company aimed at reaching teenagers?
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  • Posted byLevonon Accepted
    Seems like myspace banner ads and social network strategy could easily reach your demographic -- couple that with an intense site that speaks teenager and the rest will be history in the making.
  • Posted byMikeeon Accepted
    Youth love You Tube. Perhaps a YouTube video contest involving your product. These in turn could link to your web site. Some teen agers are very creative and might give you some interesting ideas.

    Facebook and MySpace are other poprular hangouts. Toi get started on Facebook you would need to start a page. People can then become fan's of your page. Perhaps offering some giveaway would help. Do you presently have any clients. You need to seed any of these with some people to get it started.

    What these all have in common is that they are viral and can take on a life of their own. These can grow quite quickly with nothing more than the initial work from you.

    Hope this helps give you some ideas.

  • Posted on Accepted
    You may want to check out some other social media avenues such as Twitter, Digg, Yahoo! Buzz and mobile messaging. Generation Y is all about instant gratification and don't respond well to basic email or traditional advertising anymore. They also rely heavily on consumer generated opinions. It's important you build buzz through social networking and let them think that they found it on their own vs. being pushed the information through traditional advertising.
  • Posted byNeilon Accepted
    Do you have strong expertise in your area? If you do, a blog could help. Blogs are challenging though, as you have to have something interesting to say all the time to keep it going.
  • Posted byNeilon Member
    Well, i saw a post, Valeria Maltoni, on MyDailyFix blog about games:

    You might find some useful ideas there.
  • Posted on Accepted
    MySpace and Facebook may seem like the obvious answer, but you really need to carefully consider which social network makes the most sense. I think some form of social networking is a great idea, but there are hundreds or thousands out there all targeting different niches. For your case, are you talking older teenagers (16-17) or younger (13-14)? Makes a big difference. Facebook or MySpace for the former and Bebo for the latter.

    Some other very obvious e-marketing ideas for teens include gaming and using SMS (text) messages. Teens are among the biggest users of both, especially the latter. Depending on your product, the use of short codes (check out short codes on Wikipedia if not familiar) as part of your effort will help you connect with teens on their phones. Once you capture their info, start a dialogue.

    I don't like display ads (on any site) for this age group. The clickthrough rates for ads on social networking sites in all of our experiments have been terrible (<0.03% on average), something I've found to be almost universal. You need to offer something of value if you're going this approach including ringtones, game credits, etc. Your advertising has to bring them some form of meaning. I'd go with creating a useful Facebook application that allows for sharing and lets teens do something interesting that they'd find cool and worth sharing as on tactic.

    You may also want to consider bloggers that reach the teen group you're targeting. Offer them a sample of your product in exchange for a review. Many will actually agree to do it. Target the right sites and you'll hit a lot of your target audience who are active readers and are likely influenced by the blogger. To make this even better, give the blogger a way to offer samples to his/her audience.

    We do this all the time, send me a note through my profile if you want to discuss.

  • Posted byflangeron Accepted
    Blueliner Internet Marketing Agency got great experience in promoting IZOD's men fragrance. As for me, that's kind of help you really need. Check them at - the website they created Awesome, isnt it?

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