
Topic: E-Marketing

Capital Letters In Url For Ad Purposes?

Posted bymelissa con 50 Points
I need some advice. My company's name is written like so: JustEnough Software Corporation. Since JustEnough is written as one word, I have suggested that we write the URL like that as well in any advertising that we do (at the bottom of an ad, in an email newsletter, etc.). I'm getting a little resistance on the idea but I think that it emphasizes the fact that our name is written this way.

What do you guys think?
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  • Posted on Accepted
    Maintaining your brand consistency and integrity is important, even to the point of how it is represented in a url. I would say to use the uppercase in how you represent the web address as it will not have any effect on the functionality of the url, but will reinforce your brand.
  • Posted bydmoakon Accepted
    Also consider which version of the url will be recalled and understood better. It is much easier to The caps provide separation between the two words.
  • Posted byInbox_Interactiveon Accepted
    I used to feel like your colleagues...that domain names should only be in lower case.

    However, there's little doubt--at least in my mind--that using mixed case can sometimes help with recalling the domain name, and isn't that what it's really all about?

    我敢打赌,如果你快速显示100年的背影e a card with "" written on it and then another 100 people a card with "" on it, more people would understand and recall the latter than the former.

    You're lucky in that your domain is pretty easy to make out and remember regardless, but others are not as fortunate, especially in cases where there are consecutive, identical letters that end and begin consecutive words (

  • Posted on Accepted
    There is reasearch (I forget where, but I swear I saw it) that shows that using capital letter to separate words increases people's recall of the URL. Whenever possible you should use capital letters to separate the words. Especially because your URL is slightly long (but still good).

    Our company is HubSpot, and whenever possible I try to have links and other placements capitalize the H and S

    I completely disagree with whoever is pushing back on you.
  • Posted on Accepted
    I have to back up Inbox_Interactive on this.

    I used to be a HUGE proponent of only using lower case in URLs. I have come around to the fact that function takes precedence over form.

    Form dictates that you use lower case but the Function (getting people to remember your URL and relate it to your brand) is more important.

    Sorry buddy...go with the mixed case.

    my best,

  • Posted bymelissa con Author
    You guys are awesome! Thanks for backing me up-- I just needed some reinforcement on this!

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