
Topic: E-Marketing

Generating Revenue From A Radio Station Website

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points

I have recently been given a project to generate as much extra revenue as we can from our radio station's interactive website.

I am looking for ideas on how to get users to spend money via our website. Please note that i am well aware of the generic ways such as referrals and banner ads. I am looking for new ways to generate revenue.

A little back ground, the radio station is newly launched, only about a month old and is based in a country with a population of 140million plus with internet penetration at around 10%.

I look forward to hearing your ideas.

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  • Posted byLevonon Member
    Get in bed with event promoters for upcoming gigs and entertainment event dates. This is the best advice you will get anywhere. And I am speaking figuratively about getting in bed with them -- what I mean is create a partnership with them.
  • Posted on Member
    hello deji!

    this is Abiodun Ashaolu from Platform Nigeria.

    i'm surprised and glad to see you here! really rooting for ideas for your project...wish i could give your tips here...but you know...

    good luck!
  • Posted byMikeeon Member
    Perhaps an online store where you sell music that is played on the station. I know some stations have this. Here is an example:

  • Posted byAmSamon Member
    First ask your self a question“为什么电台的听众,应该visit the website of that station?". I listen to radio, for enjoy music, get the news while I'm driving (of course on other occasions, I have a tool called the TV, and the internet to get the news). Once you figured out real good reasons why a listener should visit your website, you got to place some relevant content on your website, to those identified reasons. For example, I will not visit your website to read news. There are lot more places I can browse news. I will not come there for shopping either. Then what would be the reasons why a listener should pay a follow up visit to the website?

    说实话,我很不高兴你的核心objective, to begin with. "To maximize revenue from a website of a radio station which is only one month old". That's quite ambitious!

    Rather than trying to "maximize additional revenue", why don't you try a strategy of using the website as a tool to keep in touch with your listeners, while they are not tuned into your station? Because, it is very important to be in the top of the mind of your listeners. In most of the time, people will listen to radio, while they are driving (That's the basic need satisfied by radio, in my country as of these days). So, how to keep them engaged, once they get off from the car?

    Here's some ideas came to my mind!

    Start personal blogs on your website for each of your DJ's.For example "DJ Jay's Lite Cafe Blog"(Heh He! He's one of my favorites, on the morning drive.

    So, the fans of your DJ's can give their feedback, read personal rants from the DJ, on the blog. This will create a more engaging relationship between you and your listeners.

    How about adding videos to your station?Of course, it's possible with the marvelous site called the Take some videos of the life at your station (A DJ performing in a show), and post them on your website, and let your listeners to give feedback.

    And, add few online competitions. Promote those on your station, and encourage people to visit your website while they are away from the radio.

    To end this small note, here's my personal feelings.

    If you start your marketing strategy with "maximize revenue" as the prime objective, the life would be much harder. Revenue is an outcome, not a direct output of what you do in your marketing (There's a difference in those two words, output and outcome). So, if you focus on a strategy where you give people "fun and entertainment for free", they will stick with you for a long time. And in that long time, your revenue would be steady and strong, with sponsors bringing in more money to your station (Remember, sponsors go for the highest exposure. So, build your exposure, and money will follow). But if you try to pull the credit card out of your listeners pocket on the very first day they visit your website, I don't know where would it be ending up.

    I remember one radio station in my country, played continuous, non stop music for about three months (without a single commercial, or a single interruption from a DJ) before they went on air officially. People flocked around the station for that first three months, because it was surprising for every one. Then they slowly started to launch their program schedule, with DJ's. Those people who flocked to listen nonstop music, stay their because by then they were addicted to the station. Slowly and steadily they started attracting advertisers, and in few more months, they become the No.1 local language station in this country.

    Hope this answer would add some insight. And I know, it doesn't add any value to your revenue maximizing object.
  • Posted byAmSamon Accepted
    "And, add few online competitions."

    Frogot to add this. You can straight away monetize this, by attracting sponsors to the competition. You place the competition on your website. Visitors enter the competition by entering their email address, mobile numbers etc. You give the sponsor, the opportunity to contact your customers, to sell their products to them and charge some amount per user. End of the day, one person will get the prize (a listener is a winner). Your get the money from the sponsor (You are a winner). Sponsor get the chance of selling to your listeners (Sponsor is a winner!). So every body wins!

    Of course, you have to think of the privacy concerns of your listeners when you do such a thing.
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Leave a broadcast slot to feature local bands, and have the bands pay/bid for the slot (to play their latest CD, etc.)

    Offers to have the DJs make personal appearances at private parties (playing their favorite music).

    Sell podcasts of favorite shows.

    If you have guests that play live music, compilation CDs of their live performances.
  • Posted byAmSamon Member
    You are welcome :-) Anyways, wish all the best in your effort to convince the senior management. As again, if I were you, I would go and convince them with the"Top most line"as the primary concern; not the bottom line. Top most line is "what is the perceived value expected by your listeners". If you can deliver that, at the most optimummiddle line(Costs involved), yourbottom linewould rise to where you want it to be!

    But that again,depending on the background of your senior management. If they are dominantly from a finance and accounting background, they would ask "wait a minute. What is thattop most line?. We've heard about the other lines you talked about, but we didn't know there's another line above the top line". :-)

    All the best deji! Like to get a feedback about your outcome. Please do keep in touch with me. You can contact me through the email address in this profile.

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