
Topic: E-Marketing

Cheap! All-in-one Email Business Package For Sale!

Posted byflangeron 200 Points
Hello and Good Day,

[Posting deleted by staff.]
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  • Posted byMikeeon Member
    Is there a question here? In general people are willing to help but do not take to kindly to spamming here.

  • Posted bymichaelon Member

    But the rules of this forum is "no advertising". Do you break other rules?

  • Posted byflangeron Author
    it does not matter, you will get your points anyway, so let the other see it ;) dont be selfish
  • Posted byjoshnasonon Member
    Flanger - no one is being selfish. No one wants to read advertising blasts on a forum like this.

    -Josh The Email Marketing Guy
  • Posted byflangeron Author
    oh, ok...

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