
Topic: SEO/SEM

Leadbank Corporate

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
has anyone else been taken in by this company. i have paid £300 a month and have recieved only reports and 'mini sites'-just a marketing tool for them. no website -no useful no1 postions - no extra trade - loads of excuses
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  • Posted bymichaelon Accepted
    Sounds to me like you have a great new niche for your company. You also know your competition is incompetent.

  • Posted byclueyon Accepted
    After reading this comment, I took a look at the site for an idea of what's on offer. In truth, the strategy promoted should achieve results.

    What seems to be at issue is more what's been delivered for the price. In your position I'd be carefully checking the contract on that. And don't sign off on any more work until you've gone back to the basics ...

    1. A website SEO strategy with clear goals & targets
    2. On and off page website optimisation
    3. Establish regular reporting
    4. Begin building quality back links
    (note that your SEO roll out will take time and won't achieve results overnight)

    Without the above in place, you have no platform from which to launch a search engine marketing campaign.

    The pitch might have been great but if they haven't delivered as per your agreement, there should be scope to get the right work done, cancel the contract or obtain a refund.
  • Posted byannjon Accepted
    LeadBank has pitched to me - quote was twice as high as the initial verbal quote but the pitch promised to pick up our (high) PPC costs for any time we aren't in the top (5?) listings we agree to aim for under natural search. I've held off to find out more about SEO optimisation - their plan is primarily based around increased Page Rank position, hence the links from microsites, but there's more to it than that & I'm not sure it's the most sustainable long term plan. The model is interesting but I don't think they'll be getting our business.
  • Posted on Author
    if your looking for seo my advice with this company would be to avoid them like the plague. i have been tied into a lease costing £300/ month for 3 years and up to now have received nothing of any use. i had all the promises (top ten placings for all keywords on google if not put on pay-per-click ,that hasn't happened and a new website that hasn't happened either) and i'm only halfway into the contract. others have also been taken in by them so don't join us. i'm now having to pay google direct for pay-per-click and its costing me less per month and i'm getting results
  • Posted byannjon 米ember
    Thanks for the advice SALES, sorry to hear about your experience but I'll steer well clear.
  • Posted bySRyan ;]on Accepted
    Jo was referring to the Marketing Resources Directory that MarketingProfs is building now. If you'd like to add your input about this vendor,visit the survey page.

    The actual directory isn't ready for prime time yet. After there's enough info generated by the community here, it will be added to the site. Cool, huh?

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