
Topic: Advertising/PR

Adwords Ppc Problem

Posted byflangeron 250 Points
Hey guys! Hope You're Doing Well :)

I got some problem here, please, help me!

Well, I run PPC campaigns via Adwords. I'm kinda newbie :)
I have good page quality score, good links (with keywords for each separate campaign). I have ~75-100 ad groups per campaign, but no more than 100. Well, ads are good too. Also, CPC is not so low, $0.31.

The Problem is - I have keyword-list of ~700 keywords but I get very poor amount of impressions on some campaigns (100-200/day) and some campaigns show 0 impressions. Why? Landing page is very targeted and keyword-related, links are great, CPC is normal/higher than normal for these keywords. I dont know what's the matter :( My campaigns are 2 days old. I cant get clicks if I dont get impressions. I have 7 clicks from 1000 impressions, and that's for 7 campaigns, for 2 day period.

Please, give some advice! Maybe it's the matter of time, or maybe impressions depend on something else?
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  • Posted on Accepted
    If there are 0 impressions, unless you're priced out of actually displaying an ad, that just means no one searched that keyword. Not every term gets searched every day, after all!
  • Posted byflangeron Author
    Sfowler, I follow, yeah, but I took normal keywords from google keyword tool, so there should be searches, I guess. Not every keyword gets searched every day, right, but I got ~100 different keywords per campaign, so some of them should be +/- more popular than others and get some searches.

    Maybe somebody here had the same problem - launched new campaign with normal pricings and didnt receive impressions even in hours
  • Posted byMikeeon Accepted
    sflower is correct. If no one is searching then there are no impressions. You can always see if you are showing by searching your key words. If your ad shows your good.

    I have a bunch of keywords that get rarely hit.

    An adword campaign is a evolving thing. The biggest deal is to make sure you are getting top positions on the most pertinent keywords that have a lot of traffic. A campaign does not need a giant number of keywords, just the right ones. It is also important to make sure that your ad and product are very pertinent to the keyword. You do yourself a disservice by having people click on an ad when they will not be truly interested in the product. It is the clicks that cost, not the conversion. In an ideal world every click would convert and only the really interested would click your ad.

    Even better than the adwords is to get a great organinc position. These get clicked more and are free to boot.

    I hope this helps,
  • Posted byflangeron Author
    Hey Zahid,

    I got CTR from 0,6% to 5%, I Run 8 campaigns, each contains 75-100 ad groups, each ad group contains only 3 keywords - original, " " and []. So it's easy to track keywords and campaigns. So you see, in example, if I have 150-200 impressions a day on whole campaign, so I got extremely poor quantity of impressions on single keyword. My bids are $0.29 worth, and it's higher than min bids on my keywords. Keywords ARE searched. Some has over 100K searches/month, but I run some less known too. Campaign is only 3 Days old. Maybe google doesnt like it cause it's too "young" ?
  • Posted byAdsValueBobon Accepted
    Is your geography set too narrow? Is the service area, like only one city, and you're looking at worldwide data for search term frequency? (for low Impressions)

    Is your schedule showing ads only 3 hours a day or all day?

    What is the average position of your ads? Are they residing on page 2 or higher and rarely being seen? (for low Clicks)

    What is your keyword topic?

  • Posted byflangeron Author
    No, geography set on US, UK, Canada, Germany, India, so it's obviously not narrow at all :) Ads are showing 24/7. average position could be 6-8 on campaigns that have impressions and some clicks.

    Today we got 2130 impressions of all 8 campaigns, of ~700 keywords. So 2130 impressions for all the 700 keywords. That's poor, I guess.

    Keyword topic is Homemade electricity. The fact is the top keywords have 150,000 searches/month, the lowest have 1,000-5,000 searches month.
  • Posted byAdsValueBobon Accepted
    I went to Google Keyword tool Broad search and it says:

    homemade electricity 1 - 3 $0.05 Not enough data
    No data No data Add
    homemade static electricity 1 - 3 $0.05 Not enough data
    No data No data Add

    What are you using to tell you search volume is 150K per month? Generator and Electricity are killers but momemade electricity isn't that strong
  • Posted byflangeron Author
    Hey Guys! Got these screenshots today, check em please!

    I got these messages, but I STILL got some clicks on ads for original keyword (not [] or " "). What's the problem?

    What does google dont like? Please exlain me, guys. I guess some of you got this kind of messages too

    Big Thanks!

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