
Topic: E-Marketing

Email Subject Line For Gaming Portal Launch Mailer

Posted bySachinon 125 Points
I have been posting ideas and various suggestions for different businesses. Today I need some help. I have joined a online gaming startup recently and I am launching a campaign to drive people to register on our website and play.

Target Audience - Indian M/F between age group 20 - 30 who have a certain interest in online gaming.

Product to offer - Speed Chess(board game) and Rummy (card game)

Campaign Name - JHATPAT Tournaments (Jhatpat is a hindi language word meaning quick/fast). This ties in well with our online games at offer as people have to make quick moves or the time runs out.

Special Offer - These tournaments are free to join and are run every evening for couple of hours and there are Cash prizes to be won everyday.

Any key points in subject line or copy suggestion are much appreciated. I have already created 6 different subject line and copies, however, I wish to take your expert opinion on the same!
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  • Posted bySachinon Author
    I would not want to bias new ideas coming on this forum. So I would refrain from giving pointers.

    我想看t any new ideas or approaches...
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Subject: Free Online Gaming Tournament Invitation

    The catch is that you need to run your email through a spam checker such as:
    The word "free" is generally a strong trigger for spam filters.
  • Posted byflangeron Accepted
    This email portal can help you, i guess -, I always check what's new there - good info on internet money, marketing, business, scams and so on :)) Hope it helps you :) bye bye

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