
Topic: E-Marketing

Need Help/advice To Create Monthly News Email

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hi all,
i work in a logistic company, our potential customers could come from all sort of different industry. I need to create and maintain monthly news email for various group of potential customers eg: furniture manufacturers, palm oil refiners etc.. I need to come out with newsletter that either related to logistics or something that is useful for those customers (could be anything from latest news or case studies related to their business/industry etc) to keep us on top of their mind or at least keep refreshing them abt our services frequently. Where could i find the sources for the content of these newsletter apart from newspapers and magazine. I would appreciate useful websites where i can just grab and place them on my templates. Also pls suggest magazines that could help me in fulfilling this task. Thank you
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  • Posted byMikeeon Accepted
    I would start searching the internet for relevant materials. Try and enter relevent key words to see if anyone is blogging about these topics.

    You might think about asking clients to submit articles. This could get client buy-in as well as topics. You could also ask some of your respected clients what information they would like to see. This will give you a place to start.

    I think highlighting a client's problem (be sure to spend some time plugging the client) and then explaining how your company solved their problem could be effective. Costco does this in their publication and I actually read them.

  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Look at article banks/ezines. Many of these will allow you to republish their articles (with proper attribution):

    [inactive link removed]

    [Moderator: Inactive link removed from post. 2/22/2011]
  • Posted byflangeron Accepted
    this blog can help you, i guess -, I always check what's new there - good info on internet money, marketing, business, scams and so on :)) Hope it helps you :) bye bye
  • Posted on Accepted
    "grab and place"? that's it? if that's all you're going to do, I wouldn't bother.

    BUT, if you want to create a newsletter that adds some value to your customers' and prospects' day, AND adds value to your business, I would look where you already are (magazines and news) as well as the good tips the other forum members just gave you.

    THEN, if you don't have the time, I'd consider hiring a college/MBA intern to do the following:
    - scan for relevant content
    - write an abstract/summary of each article
    - link to the full story
    - weave in how it is relevant to logistics
    - weave in some offering from your company, and then link to specific content on your website

    People don't need you to once a month show them articles they can get on their own. they need you to tell them what they are missing, why it is important, what your company can do about it for them, and a call to action to engage.

    You could also have other content such as featuring an employee, a new product or service, and as someone else suggested a customer case study.

    If you don't have much time to put against it, it will show.

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