
Topic: Taglines/Names

A Slogans Or Tagline For A Travel Agency.

Posted by Anonymous on 150 Points
i need a tagline for my company. i am running travel agency and tours & operator work.

i need a perfect tagline for my travel agency.
the name of my travel agency is;

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  • Posted bysaul.dobneyon Member
    Are you based at London Bridge, or selling tours of London, or is it completely unrelated to London or the UK?

    On track, there and back

    Top Tip-top Trips

    Great tours for great memories

    Great times start with us

  • Posted byAmSamon Member
    It would have been great, if you could post us with more details about your business. What markets are you aiming at (Are they business travelers or holiday makers?), what core-strengths you have over competitors, what is the best value you offer to your customers etc. It is only after looking at such things, that one could decide a marketing tagline. Otherwise, you will come up with just a nice wording, but might fail to deliver what it promises.

    I'm saying all these, because you said you want the "perfect tagline". How about these, as some what close to perfection? :-)

    London Bridge Travels -The journey begins!
    Joy of travel has just got better!with London Bridge Travels
    London Bridge Travels -Your gateway to London!(Assuming that you are a London inbound agent)
  • Posted byAmSamon Member
    Joy of travel has just got better!

    I have the feeling that, I've heard a similar tag line with some other company. Can't say for sure. If there's a similar tagline to this one, I apologies for potential plagiarism :-)
  • Posted on Author
    First of all i want to tell that the location of my travel agency is in pakistan and we just choosed the title 'London Bridge Travels' though we sell tickets for all over the world.
    our business is about services. we deliver and sell air tickets to our co oprate clients and others customers for all over the world. compition is so high. but we have so many good clients. and offcourse we want to win confidence of our customers and keep it maintaining.

  • Posted on Member
    Taking You to New Places

    From Dream to Destination

    Your Dreams in Travel

    Donna Cowden
  • Posted on Member
    London Bridge Travels
    You Dream It...We Book It

    London Bridge Travels
    Helping You Reach Your Destiny
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Member
    Connecting Your With The World
    Visit Us And See The World
  • Posted on Author
  • Posted on Accepted
    "Where You Want To Be"
    "The Travel Factory"
    "We Move People"
    "From Here To There...And Back"
    "Motion Across The Ocean"
    "We Sell Experiences"
    "Why Wait? See It Now."
    "See The Places You've Only Dreamed Of With Your Eyes Open"

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