
Topic: Advertising/PR

How Can I Get Clients For Group Fitness?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I have just started a personal training business called Your Best Life. We have just finished a large letterbox drop and sent out a personalised e-newsletter. I've also sent out media releases to local papers. Today was the first day of our outdoor group fitness session in Brisbane, however not one person came and I still only have one PT client! How can I better advertise and how long does it normally take to operating a business with a good client base? Would really love to know your opinions and experiences. Thanks.
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  • Posted bysarahon Accepted
    Have you cultivated people you know? It is easier to ask people who know you for business. Also you may need to advertise in a local paper, not just relying on media releases. Go to gyms and other training facilities and advertise your services, go to schools/community centers and hospitals/clinics where people might need to hear about your services. Try and connect with a doctor or clinic and get someone to write a story about you--a "makeover" angle would be a great start (it might even be a pro bono job).
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Just because you told the world about you, doesn't mean that the world is (yet) interested in what you're offering.

    First, specifically identify who you're targeting: gender, age range, income level, fitness level/goal, etc.

    Next, no doubt there are others in your area targeting the same people - what makes you better/different (hint: don't make it about your fee)?

    Finally, find ways to connect with your target audience and communicate your unique benefits. Since you're new, you also need to build trust. Unless you already have a strong network of friends/associates, it may take awhile to get your business going.
  • Posted bybabbselaon Accepted
    Cultivate your word-or-mouth advertising.
    1. Talk to the people you know and ask them to recommend you to their contacts.
    2. Attend as many networking events as your schedule allows and hand out business cards and brochures.
    3. Join a referral network like BNI or LeTip and enlist the help of the membership. (BNI has been very beneficial in growing my business.)
    4. Contact HR at local companies and offer special packages for their employees. Use a buddy offer: "bring a friend and you both get x% off."
    5. Contact local groups like Kiwanis or Optimist clubs and offer to speak about personal growth topics. (They are always looking for speakers, and you'll probably get a free lunch, in addition to some referrals.)
  • Posted bymatthewmnexon Accepted
    unfortunately, there is only one way for an individual offering your kind of service.


    Get 2 or 3 people first, if they are happy, they will recommend.

    If you can get a celebrity, then you can win more clients but in the current economic climate, the need for a personal trainer is really low on people's priority lists :)

    In addition, you are competing against the major fitness chains like Golds, Fitness First etc.

    Good luck, invite all your friends and get them to invite their friends, in the mean time, don't quit your day job :)

  • Posted on Accepted
    我认为芭芭拉了一些伟大的想法,比如爵士vice club programs. Might also think about trying to identify a specific niche - such as moms with newborns, who want to get back into shape and offering special deals for them - bring the babies with them and get in shape. Think about older kids and provide baby sitting for that hour that the moms are working out with you. Maybe talk to the staff at doctor's offices and see if you can leave brochures for their patients. (Always ask, it is not appropriate to simply dump your brochures in an office.) You might check with larger employers to see if you can work with them to put together something for their wellness program - maybe, you can be their wellness program - you give their employees a discount and come to the work place.

    Good Luck!

  • Posted byDougMon Accepted
    Offer a free week, month whatever.
    Put a biz card drop fishbowl in local restaurants and pick out daily/weekly for free memberships.

    You have to get people started, make sure they have a great experience and convert them into your "raving fans."

    Give free memberships to 50 people you know who are interested in your success. Ask them to refer others if they feel it is worthwhile.

    Whatever, you can't afford to look like nobody is biting.

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