
Topic: Advertising/PR

Advertising Adult Store

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am planning a PR campaign for online adult store.
Need some ideas on how to create a buzz for such a tricky content.
Although the store itself is very "clean" and more on "sexual education" side, there are very few media sources for featuring adult content.

I need some brilliant idea that would let them "in" general market media.

Thank you!
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  • Posted bydarcy.moenon Member
    We have a local store that has been doing some of the best advertising I've seen for ANY business, let alone for an adult store. I mean, these folks have been witty, entertaining, and TOTALLY FIRST CLASS. I've even let my own kids view the ads.

    Industrial Luv was doing a billboard campaign. The billboards ads were witty and fun. The jokes and humor was more cute like a little joke between intimate folks. Not heavy sexual innuendoes. Perhaps one of the best campaigns they ran was a secret camera shot running during the local gockey games. The remote camera would pan the audience and eventually zoom in on a couple in the crowd. They would hold te camera on them displaying them on the jumboscreen until they kissed. Surrounding the screen was a discrete Industrial Luv branded frame. The couple featured would win a gift certificate. Just like that, a few thousand folks exposed to the brand at the local hockey game. Tasteful, brilliant.

    I would recommend you get in touch with these folks. I don't think they realize their unique skill because I stopped into theor store to express my admiration for their ads. I thought they should consult to the industry as I have seen other companies try advertising only to really do a terrible job of it. The lady working the store seemed surprised that there would be demand for such a unique marketing skill. I think she was one of the partner-owners. Anyway, here is a link to their web site, reach out to them and ask if they would be interested in licensing you to use their ads. I think you would find them as what you are seeking.

    Hope this helps you.

    Darcy Moen
    Customer Loyalty Network
  • Posted on Member
    Thumbs up for Phil. Definitely check what your competitors are doing and make it stronger and better.

    如果你想创建一个热点,你需要达到欧t the right people that can make it go viral. Design and engage in a PR programme where you contact sex-dedicated media, on- and off-line one, and provide them with a newsworthy press-release.. something humorous and alternative about your company, what you do or about some activity you are about to engage in. If you're lucky, you will get free unbiased coverage and traffic to your website.

    Wish you best of luck,
    Davide Pasini
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Member
    Don't focus on adult content per se. Focus on relationship tools: creating memories and enhancing experiences (for example: As for "buzz" - figure out a unique angle to your offerings (products, information, or stories) - and tie in your message to existing websites that touch on these same issues.
  • Posted bySteve Mooreon Member
    If you are talking about an adult store with strictly an online presence, I think that you are facing a different situation than if you were trying to come up with a PR campaign for a company that actually has a retail presence in a community.

    A company with an actual store in the community has to deal with the stigma of what the public believes "goes on" inside these stores. A PR campaign for a strictly online adult store would be different whereas most people that would come across the store would be actively seeking it out.

    I assume that there is an actual store since you reference it but that leaves me wondering why are you only planning a PR campaign for the online business? Maybe you are just looking for ideas on how to market an online store? Let me know which direction you are going and I can help you out.
  • Posted byPaul Kemperon Accepted
    You would probably even get good PR in regular media if you frame the message properly. You already hinted that the positioning is much more along the lines of education. If you can find a socially relevant angle, then your local newspapers might even consider placing copy. One way that could work is to approach the messages from the angle of independence, especially meaning independence for women and their right to figure out how they want to be pleased. This would immediately position you outside the traditional area of male-focused adult shops. Additional angles could include the increasing population of singles. Or the fact that couples would have a much intenser relationship if they include open communication and experimentation in their relationship. But it depends on the cultural landscape you are in if these suggestions would be feasible or not.

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