
Topic: Strategy

Agressive Social Media Optimization Plan

Posted byflangeron 300 Points
Hey Guys, I need your help in setting up an aggresie social promotion plan for this

Could you name me some points or steps, except social and bookmarking networks, that's the base.

It would be great to hear some social promotion tricks or tips like creating channels, groups somewhere and so on.

Pliz pliz, help me
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  • Posted on Accepted
    Flanger, how do you know that you need to use social media to promote this website and its services? Without doing some basic research to figure out where your current and potential customers are online, you can't possibly know this.

    I would start searching for relevant terms via free search tools like Google Blog Search, Twitter Search (, and Technorati ( Then spend some time poking around MySpace and Facebook to see if any of your current or potential customers are there. Do some googling to see if there are any socnets that are particularly popular with South Asians.

    My point is, don't fall into the trap of assuming that because social media is 'all the rage right now', that it's the best way for you to build awareness for your product. Do some basic research to see where (and IF) your current and potential customers are interacting online, and THAT will give you a great idea of what tools you should be using (for example, if they are on Twitter, then communicate with them there).

    Good luck!
  • Posted byMikeeon Accepted
    你可以创建一个用户组,让体育论坛ople to invite other people. The key to starting a forum is to make sure you have a core group of people that can participate frequently early on so that visitors can get responses and find it useful.

    Perhaps this will include a place where people can discuss their favorite shows. This may attract other viewers of these shows from other providers.


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