
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need Help With Newsletter Title

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
需要一个Newsletter Title for our clients newsletter, we are Professional Painting contractors.

The Newsletter consists of Home Improvement Tips for the home, a Trivia Challenge, a Referral & Reward Section & , Interesting Facts the relate to the season or time of year.
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  • Posted byMikeeon Accepted
    Home Tips
    Home Sweet Home
    The Heart of the Home
    Home Hints

    Hope this helps,
  • Posted byStarsDieon Accepted
    My idea is:

    Paint Your Life

    Home, trivia, referrals, interesting facts - this is all "Life", this word will refer to everything you just named. The word "Your" will narrow the general meaning to every client in particular. And the word "Paint" will give the right idea about what you offer. Besides, the whole thing has both literal and figurative sense, thus applying to your business and to your clients' imagination.

  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Home Color
  • Posted bymichaelon Accepted
    The Palette

  • Posted on Accepted
    I'm assuming you are residential painters since you are suggesting home improvement tips and not in the commercial painting market.


    On the Homefront
    Tickled Pink
    The Colors of Home
    Colors Come Home
    Colors and Home


  • Posted on Author
    Newsletter is Mailed by 1st Class..

    Yes we are Residential Painters..

    All of you have interesting titles..

    I'm Still Reading them over.....

  • Posted on Accepted
    More simplified:

    Color My Home

    Pigments of the Imagination

    (a little play on words using pigments as the symbolism for paint in case it's not as obvious as I think it may be, i.e., Figments of the Imagination / Pigments of the Imagination).

  • Posted on Accepted

    Pigments and the Imagination

  • Posted on Author
    Thank you for your time & effort, we are figuring out which one of yours will work the best.

    We are just about done with content of the newsletter.

    Thank you again and Happy New Year!

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