
Topic: Advertising/PR

What Advertising Will Work Best For A Home Improvement Business (kitchen Cabinet) In New Jersey?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I have 5 Kitchen Cabinet retail store in North NJ, wanted to find out what type of advertising will work best in this area.
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  • Posted byStarsDieon Member
    I'd recommend good image blocks and some PR in specialized press (home/kitchen and bathroom/interior design magazines). If you have some architects/designers community - you can participate in their conferences as a sponsor or partner. If you have specialized yearly furniture exhibitions - would be great to participate there with your display stand. Co-promotion with some brand of kitchen appliances or countertops would be effective, as well. If you can afford outdoor, TV and radio campaign - that would help, too.

    Good luck.
  • Posted byMikeeon Accepted
    Your best resource is past satisfied clients. Be sure to give past clients resources to reccomend you to their friends. Leave clients business cards and post cards that they can hand their friends when asked about their new kitchen.

    Do you have any testimonials from clients? You can ask these people if you cna use their quote and name on a postcard that you can mail in their neighborhood. This will get your name out there and will make it easier for people to ask their neighbor what they think. Mailings are usually not great in terms of resppnse because people usually need to receive them when they are thinkinfg about a project. The advantage of adding a quote by a neighbor is that six months from noe there is a chance they will remember that the smiths had their kitchen done. We should ask them who did it.

    Hope this helps.
  • Posted on Accepted
    I'd work on forming relationships/partnerships with some of the home remodeling contractors, architects, home stagers, realtors, create a trade show booth for home shows, home decorating shows, kiosks in malls, etc.

    I'd also look into memberships at the national and local level of those industries listed above.

    I'd look into advertising (wraps) on my vehicles that are out working for additional advertising while on the road and on the job. Neighbor A sees Neighbor B having their kitchen remodeled and most likely will speak to them about their experience and this would act as a referral.

    Target areas that you feel are your market and advertise locally - local newspapers, local TV and Radio, community news, etc.

    When you are doing a remodeling project, do you put your sign in the yard at that location? I've seen many contractors do this to stimulate additional business.

  • Posted on Member
    Have you thought about the commercial market at all? Apartment/condos when they are remodeling or are you targeting only for residential?

  • Posted byCarolBlahaon Accepted
    Target as many home shows as you can afford. Those that work those shows consider them the biggest lead generators. Today there are regional as well as larger shows.

    When you do a job, besides asking for referrals, I'd door hang the area. Your clients neighbors have seen your truck (which is clean and represents you well) and are wondering "whats up" and looking at their house thinking "we ought to fix whatever too." Take pictures of your work and build a portfolio to take to future clients.

  • Posted byPerrieon Accepted
    In this economy you have some advantages and some difficulties.
    For your advantages I would look in terms of where is the action in the market -
    - people are staying put and those that can put money in their homes
    - those that are buying may have projects or updates to do
    - apartments are popular now and may have a market for updates

    Determine the print and online media for Northern NJ.
    Focus on having a little more action for your website - have you optimized it for searches in your area? Are you capturing online leads? Consider an active monthly e-newsletter.

    I would also host weekend events , workshops and talks by area experts on kitchens, floors, etc Create and distribute press releases to the appropriate media. Offer discounts or free upgrades to drive people in. I like the fact that you offer your own financing. Many people these days can't afford to take this on.

    Do you have any green offering? if so, you are not promoting it as such. With a name like Panda- surprised to see you don't have bamboo flooring or cabinets. Much of the construction going on is going green - that is really the name of the game in the building market.

  • Posted on Accepted

    This is a direct marketing principle but it can be applied to all media.

    You need to make sure you are mailing to a list of most likely prospects. One of the rules of direct marketing is that you next customer will look like your last customer.

    By knowing who your customers are, age, income, geography, industry geography etc. you will know what medium will reach your target in a cost effective manner.
    How long have they been in their home? Are they New Homeowners? Your site looks like it is geared toward a consumer audience and not contractors?

    I would think new homeowners would be a good target for you?

    Examine your database and it will tell you what you need to know. Geographic foot print, demographic and life stage. Then you can search for media to reach you most likely prospects.

    Hope this helps.

    Thank you

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