
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name For My Business

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
I am starting a personal service for senior citizens that includes shopping , errands , bill paying, assistance with several things ( non medical). I am still not sure if I should target a different market like "just home from the hospital " and things like that. I am concentrating in seniors because thats the major need here in FL.
我需要名称我的主意。我想要的东西n come up on the internet if the children of these senior citizens are looking for help. I can't afford a web site but I am planning on a Face Book and My Space for now.
Please help me out with ideas.
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  • Posted bySteve Mooreon Accepted
    The Daily Grind

    Routinely Helpful

    Maybe then you could incorporate Vishu's idea as a tagline so your business is clearly identified.

    Routinely Helpful
    "Social Elderly Caregiving"

    As far as the company coming up on search engines, that all depends on how your site is designed and written. Probably don't worry about that now. I would depend primarily on Word Of Mouth advertising. When you build trust with your customers, and that is going to be necessary in this business, your customers will talk. I would stay off any of the social networking sites, especially myspace because your desired target market almost absolutely will not use that as a means for communication. Facebook might have some value for your purpose but more so to let your peers know what you are up to so hopefully they will talk to others about it.

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