
Topic: Advertising/PR

Painting Business

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
what would be the most effective way to do early marketing and advertising for a summer painting business? I plan on marketing starting in February. How do I get people to think about painting their house in the winter?
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  • Posted on Accepted
    Spring is time for a new look --- don't forget your home!
    Send postcards to your target area ---
    Offer a % off, if you schedule your painting job now for Spring date.
    Participate in Home and Garden Shows during Feb./March
    Not sure if any of these ideas are what you're looking for.....
  • Posted bySteve Mooreon Accepted
    I am going to assume that you operate only in the summer because that is all the weather allows for. Otherwise you might be missing out on a huge opportunity to earn some business in the "off season."

    Dont confuse marketing with advertising. While advertising is part of marketing, they are not one in the same. I bring this up because of your comment about starting marketing and advertising in February. Even if you only operate your business during the summer months, the marketing function should never stop.

    It is all too common with businesses to go looking for customers when everyone else in their industry is. Think of it this way, if you are in a town with ten businesses similar to yours and you wait to communicate with potential customers until every other painter does, you have to compete with the other painters for your customer's attention. Communicate with them when no other painting business is and you have their total attention.

    Truthfully without knowing the positioning and the target audience of your business, it is difficult to suggest effective ways to promote and advertise your business. That being said, first ask your current customers where they heard of your business. See if a trend develops and continue to use it. Find out the level of satisfaction that your current customers have with your service and let the absolutely delighted ones knows that you wish to be a business built on referrals. Maybe they can point you to some new business. Get in contact with as many Home Owner's Associations as possible and see if they have a preferred vendor's list and what it would take to get on it. Many people who need work done on their house will get in contact with their "community leaders."

    Hope this helps a little.

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