
Topic: E-Marketing

Hvac Telemarketing Scripts

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am looking for some good telemarketing scripts for our HVAC company. We need to generate leads in the slow time (Spring and Fall in our area) for selling both service contracts as well as replacement equiptment.

We are members of several industry groups and although they are helpful, we have not been able to sucussfully use their ideas.

Thanks in advance for your input.
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  • Posted by米ichaelon Accepted
    We write these and charge for them so i apologize for te generalization

    Remember that you've got your basic 15 seconds to get out a reason why the person should keep listening. so you should stick to first name and company name. If HVAC is not part of your company name, you'll need to explain what you do.

    Have a purpose for your call. Ex: When was their furnace last checked; what company name is on the sticker by the a/c. If they had one complaint about their heat/cooling what wood it be.

    Then a follow up question to determine where they are in the sales cycle

    Finally a closing that includes a commitment from them. It can be an appointment, the correct spelling of their name (so you can mail a coupon), an e-mail address (for newsletter)

    Thank them for their time.

    Quick and easy. Move to the next one. Don't get discouraged.

    Once you have a script you like, practice is so it doesn't sound like a script. Personally I practice more than 25 times to get the right inflection. It makes a huge difference.

    Hope this helps. You're welcome to contact me offline by clicking on my name above

  • Posted bykieran.donahueon Member
    Sorry to be blunt but find another way to sell your product - people hate telemarketing. There are millions of people who are on the DNC list and report people that abuse it. There are many other ways including email ...telemarketing is not the future.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Our company specializes in executing targeted outbound B2B teleprospecting efforts, and Michael has given you some great advice.

    Is it possible to offer them a free evaluation?

    "(intro...then) HVAC systems are most apt to fail on their first usage after extended rest periods (is that remotely true??) we're running an evaluation program to diagnose these problems and determine if we can save you money on energy costs."

    The above example hits on two compelling reasons to listen 1) Cost Savings, 2) Risk mitigation. This would also serve as a good segue into your qualification questions.

  • Posted bySteve Mooreon Member
    Before I give you my thoughts, can you tell me what city your company is located in? I ask because I am interested in knowing what the seasonal weather is like and what the overall size of the market might be.
  • Posted bySteve Mooreon Accepted
    I agree that telemarketing is something that should be avoided almost always. People find it irritating and intrusive. You need to ask yourself what your business stands for and what you want it to mean to customers. Remember that customers not only pay attention to the message being conveyed to them, but also to the method used to convey it. If you use irritating and intrusive methods to communicate with potential customers, they might think your company is irritating and intrusive.

    The only people you should really contact by phone are your existing customers. Give them a call, and make sure that their system is performing to their expectations and offer them a bit of information about service contracts.

    It also seems that generating replacement leads in SW Ohio during the winter should not be too difficult since the winters are so intense. Of course right now, we live in a nation full of broke people.

    我花了一些时间在暖通空调arketing world, wrote a couple marketing plans and came to realize that true marketing is almost non-existent with AC contractors. Most try to out-offer and out-gimmick the other and are resistant to anything else.

    This is probably not the answer you wanted, but I am confident that it is accurate.

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