
Topic: Research/Metrics

Help With Internal Branding Research

Posted bypamelahon 500 Points
I am conducting a national online survey and need participants outside of California. I am seeking people over 21 years of age who are employed full time. Would you be able to participate by taking a 10-15 minute survey on employee perceptions about being an ambassador of the company brand?

If yes, please click here for the link:

The results are confidential, you are not asked to identify your employer, no e-mail addresses are collected, and I need your input at your earliest convenience.

I would also appreciate your feedback about the survey, if possible (other than the fact that it may be too long). Thank you!
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  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    Your request for US to become respondents to your survey is probably inappropriate. As a group we understand market research better than the average employee; many of us are either self-employed or work in very small companies; and you're never going to be sure you actually got a representative sample for your survey.

    You may want to reconsider using this forum for your recruitment, and you probably ought to consult with some experts who specialize in market research ... of whom there are several on this forum. (Check out the top 5-10 people on the "Top 25 KHE Experts (Research/Metrics)" in the column at the right.)
  • Posted bypamelahon Author
    That's a good idea. Thanks.

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