
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need Tagline For A Home Based Travel Agency

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
The name of my company is Touched By The Sun Travel. I specialize in Cruises, All Inclusive vacations and family travel. I offer personalized service, like meeting the client at their choice of location, flexible hours and hand delivered documents. (within the same city) My main goal is to make sure the client is pleased with their vacation experience. My logo has a suitcase and items that you might take on a tropical vacation.. sunglasses, flip flops, snorkel mask with a large sun as its background. Hope this helps.
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  • Posted on Accepted

    Thats a lot of relevant information you have given. However before i suggest taglines I have a strong suggestion. I dont think the name of your travel agency is quite appropriate. It breaks almost all laws of designing names of businesses, like
    1) Its too long
    2) There are too many words starting with T, this creates confusion.
    3) Association vague.
    4) Difficult to retain and recall.

    There seems to be problem with logo too
    from whatever information you have given the logo seems to me
    1) highly vague
    2) Wrong connotations
    3) Too cluttered
    4) unsohisticated.

    Both the name and the logo are alineated from the core positioning, if these are not corrected the addition of a tagline will add to the existing brand confusion.

    However if you think that these elements (name and logo) are fine the following taglines can help.

    "Where would you like to holiday ?"

    "Ensuring, comfortable & safe vacation, Always"

    " Adding happiness to your travel plans"

  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Specializing In Stress-Free Experiences
    Making Planning Vacations Fun & Easy
  • Posted bypamelahon Accepted
    I agree with the name thing. Not everyone wants to go where there is sun. Anyway, here is some quick food for thought on your tagline ideas:

    Touched by the Sun Travel...
    Your personal vacation planners
    Your vacation never had it so good.
    Get up and go!
    You're going to have some fun!
    Personal vacation planning
    Personal vacation services
    Personal fun planning
    It's time to get away!
    It's time for a vacation.
    Your time to get away is now.
    Isn't it time you got out of town? (This one is for me....)

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