
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need A Name For A Security Company.

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
hi everyone. my partner and i will soon be starting our own security company. we really need some help on coming with names for the company. something that sounds unique and professional and hasn't been taken already. any suggestions???
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  • Posted on Author
    my bad for not providing enough information. sorry bout that. well we will be a security company that offers 24 hr armed security services and also vehicle patrol. our main target will be industrial, and some commercial.
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Member
    While You Were Out
    Private Patrol
    Industrial Security
    Blue Patrol
  • Posted on Member
    S3 - Security & Surveillance Services
    24-hour Security Service
    Secure Armed Service
    Iron Security Services

  • Posted on Accepted
    Advanced Security

    Umbrella Securty

    Shield Security

    a location based idea ie

    MidSouth, Eastern, Southwest, etc (depending on location)

    where are you located?

    Great Lakes Security might make sense if you're from upstate Michigan for example.

    can you provide any information like

    names of streets, counties, state, owners, founders, etc
    what sort of sidearms do you carry
    any certifications required for your employees

    finding a great name is dependent on research. just as in security, the more information you collect, the better.

    if you don't want to reveal a lot of info on the web, that's understandable. i would recommend that you have someone you trust ask you 100 questions (20 questions style) write down the answers, and then use that as a starting point. anything less than that is a shot in the dark.
  • Posted bypamelahon Member
    More ideas...

    SecurTech, Secure Tech, Securtek
    Secure Response
    ProTech Security
    ProTect Systems
    ReliaTect Security
    Secure Pro Systems, SecurPro
    P2 Security Services (The P is for property and people)
  • Posted on Author
    thank you marketing pros for all your inputs!!! :)

    aaarkvrk, thanks a million for your helpful recommendations! i will use one of your suggested name, most likely shield security. :) gracias...

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