
Topic: Branding

Tips For Marketing Yourself In A Small Town

Posted by Anonymous on 215 Points
I am a financial advisor with two years of experance. I have been out of the business for a year. I am looking for some tips to market myself in a small town. Any branding ideas would be great!
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  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Write articles for your local newspaper
  • Posted bypamelahon Accepted
    开展金融教育研讨会。人们需要advice right now! Make the seminars real, caring, informative, maybe basic with a couple of hot tips, and lots of Q&A. These can be held at a community center, local restaurant, or co-sponsored by a group (Rotary, Lions, Kiwanis). Always provide refreshments and helpful handouts. Put calendar announcements in the paper and have several scheduled so satisfied people can tell their friends. This is one way of allowing people to test the waters with you. You are in the business of education and building trust right now. Have fun with it....
  • Posted bySteve Mooreon Accepted
    When people are looking for a financial advisor they are looking for trust and professionalism. Establish those in conjunction with your expertise, and you are off to a good start.

    Build your customer base by networking and/or generating referrals. If your customers trust you, they will most definitely tell their friends and family about you. Writing a professional article is a great idea, as mentioned above.

    确保你实现每一个promise that you make, especially in today's economic climate.

    When you are dealing with something as intimate as a person's are your brand. For instance, if your clientele is opposed to some behavior (like drinking or smoking) don't engage in that behavior.

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