
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name For A Media Application

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I work for an IT Services Company. We are planning to launch a rich media application which will allow us to host all the audio / video clips pertaining to various
company related activities and also share this information with all employees- across the globe.
As such - we request you to take a couple of minutes and
a) Propose a name for this project
b) A short statement justifying the selection

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  • Posted bymalkosbmon Accepted
    * Info Rich Media / Richmed
    a technical name : simple and direct

    * Interact Media / Inter M / Inter Med
    to focus on Interactivity

    * Hyper Media / Hyper M / Hyprim (hyper rich media)
    to focus on multidimension of rich media
  • Posted on Accepted
    World Connect Media

    I think this might describe what your looking for.

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