
Topic: Taglines/Names

Slogan For Online Backup Solution

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Thank you to everyone that helped me pick a name for our online backup solution. I work for a very small company that happens to sell 10 very different products that all require my full attention... so, yes, this help is very much appreciated =).

We chose [deleted at author's request] as the name. Here's the (WIP) datasheet which has more detailed information:
[URL deleted at author's request]

In a nutshell, [deleted at author's request] is a very secure offsite solution that is readily available thanks to its ease of use and low price. Our primary target market is in the engineering/manufacturing industry, mainly IT professionals.

[Deleted at author's request] uses [deleted at author's request] technology. [Deleted at author's request] slogan/tagline is "Plan for the worst. Expect the best."

***Any ideas for a slogan for [Deleted at author's request]? I'm open to all ideas, as long as they take into account the serious side of this solution (trusting us with their data). Thanks in advance for your help.***
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  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Trust Us. We Hope You Never Use It.
    We've Got Your Back-up.
    Turning *$@$% Into No Worries.
  • Posted bychoughon Accepted
    Relax, it's backed up.

    Safely stored online.

    Trusted storage solutions

    Off site, on line, in case.

    In case of emergencies.

    We hope you'll never need us – but if you do, it's safe.
    (Borrowing from the ever excellent J H-R!)

    No worries.

    Worst case scenario? Restore from backup.

  • Posted byTraceyon Accepted
    Be in control of your data.

    That wording needs some work to sound more exciting -- but my thinking was that the value your software adds is that it givesthe engineer/IT person a sense of control. So instead of making them afraid of the problem (loss of data), use a tagline that gives them the emotional gratification of the solution.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Your S.O.S. Solution - Safe Online Storage
    Your S.O.S. Solution - Safe Offsite Storage

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