

Alternatives To "cutting Edge" And "innovative"?

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
I'm so tired of using "cutting edge" and "innovative" to describe our programs.

I especially avoid "cutting edge" since we're a medical school.

I need alternative words or phrases to "innovative" "leading edge", etc.

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  • Posted on Accepted
    How about progressive?
  • Posted on Accepted
    technically or technologically advanced
  • Posted on Accepted
    I would skip it altogether. Instead of calling it "leading edge" or "unique" describe why your program is different. What makes it remarkable?

    It's hard to be more specific without knowing what you do, but is there anything that makes you stand out? Focus on that. Hands-on flight simulator training? Instruction in leadership from ex-drill sergeants?
  • Posted on Author
    Thanks everyone. This is getting me thinking.

    I'm editor of our school's magazine, so I'm constantly writing PR articles about new programs, techniques, clinics, etc. I focus on the details, but I usually need to do the "nut" graf explaining for example, "The Surgical Skills Lab is providing innovative training for medical students unlike any other program." blah blah blah.
  • Posted bymktgcbbon Member
    exciting, new, advanced, proprietary, important, exclusive. . .it is what it is, a modifier in the headline. I'd keep it short and simple and get to the point. . .the reader won't care how new, cutting edge or leading the training is unless it's a topic of interest.

    This wouldn't necessarily catch my attention no matter how "new" it is. . .
    "The Surgical Skills Lab is providing innovative training for medical students unlike any other program." blah blah blah.

    But if I'm a surgeon in training, I might be interested in. . .the surgical skills lab is providing training for medical students on new technology that eliminates errors/reduces fatigue and guarantees a positive post-op outcome. . .

    point is, there is so much info for us all to wade through that if the first part is trying to sell us, you may lose us before you get to the substance.
