
Topic: E-Marketing

Is Google The Best Kind Of Website To Start With?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am starting a new e-business for jewelry. The name I have chosen is a play on my name, Dee Padilla. The business name is DeeP Earth Designs - Gemstone rings and handmade things. I buy gemstone rings at a wholesale price and sell them for less than average retail pricing. I make sterling silver wire wrap gemstone jewelry, excluding rings. My target market is women between the ages of 20-45, and my pricing is a range of $15-$450 so it can be very affordable. Here are my three questions:
What do think of the business name?
What do you think of my plan so far?
Is it really best to go with a Google web page?
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  • Posted on Accepted
    Not clear on what you do. Do you buy existing rings and then add to them in some way? Wrapping silver around them?

    If so, try a name/tagline that explains that more clearly, so that you stand out in some way.

    I would not recommend a Google site. You can get hosting for $9.95 a month, with lots of extra features (like a blog, unlimited email addresses, forum software, etc). It looks much more professional and trustworthy that way. Try Hostgator for your site; they're really helpful.

    If that's too steep, you could try selling your jewelry on Etsy.

  • Posted byPeter (henna gaijin)on Accepted
    Name sounds fine to me.

    The largest challenge will be getting the word out and then getting people to buy.

    You should either set up your own web site (which has to have e-commerce functions, such as the ability to place an order using a credit card), or perhaps get involved with an e-commerce marketplace like maybe or perhaps even eBay.
  • Posted on Author
    Hi Ms. Kaplan, and to others who have responded. But in answer to your question, I do not add to the rings in any way, just sell them as I do not yet have the experience and my shop at home is not yet complete. I make gemstone jewelry using sterling silver wire to link and wrap necklaces, bracelets and earrings. I am definitely planning on selling my designs on stay, but the addition of the rings can, I think, bring in more money. This is my first business though so I welcome any other suggestions. My background is in business management so I have some skills there, and since becoming disabled four years ago have made the investment to learn this new skill. That said I have always had a passion for jewelry and have been involved with selling for my father-in-law for years. His market is to Native American groups and that is far too niche and limiting to my style. My long term goal is to learn stone setting and appraisal as well, but as I do not need this current venture to support myself, but can not currently afford the schooling for the skills I want to learn, I am hoping to find a small success with this venture that I can build upon in the future. I really appreciate all of the ideas I have received. One more question, my plan is to have my website with all of my inventory, and then to use etsy for my handmade jewelry because my jewelry is right in line with what I've seen on their site. In fact I think my designs are a little above what I have seen there. Do you guys think this is an overly ambitious plan? Thank you so much! It is harder to see clearly when it is your own endeavor.
  • Posted bySteve Mooreon Accepted
    Hi Dee,

    I think the company name is almost there. What about Deep Earth Jewelry. While I understand why you want to use DeeP, I think that "style" of business name lessens the professionalism because it has been so overdone. Unless you have tons of money to embark on some huge branding campaign you want your business name to be as clear, concise and descriptive as possible. I also thought that using the word jewelry would be better because it seems as if you intend to be more of a retailer than a designer at this point.

    I think the age portion of the target market demographic is fine but what about the other qualifiers? A 25 year old woman who is very conservative more than likely would not buy the same jewelry as a 25 year old woman who is into going out to the bars every night (sorry that was the best comparison I could come up with on short notice). I think you get the point though. The target market needs to be segmented further.

    I had never heard of etsy before reading this post, but be careful with any third party seller. Nevermind what your merchandise is, the real question becomes how much traffic do they have to their site, and what types of customers do they attract.

    Those are my thoughts for now. Let me know what you think and I will get back with you about that and some other stuff.

  • Posted bymatthewmnexon Accepted
    Are you planning to sell online?

    或the web site will be only a shop window and then you want to bring people to your Shop/house to buy?

    Completely different strategies in terms of how you spend your ad budget on Google or Yahoo.

    I would give Yahoo ads a try first.

    From my experience, I have found that i get less volume of traffic but much better conversions so ROI is stronger with Yahoo ads.

  • Posted on Accepted
    A few hopefully helpful tips come to mind:

    You want to partner your website, with a creative "how to" blog-- or blog cast some video's of YOUR extra careful customized hand made jewelry making process....


    Weebly.com或,他们有“填写the content" websites that anyone can use, it's a good place to start, and you can customize enough to make a statement.

    It's FREE, EASY, and QUICK.

    I'm not a fan of google apps. I LOVE google, but I've heard and have some horror stories of my own...

    I would use GoDaddy to purchase your domain, and create a professional email accout- they have EXCELLENT customer service and it's 10.19 a year, you can't beat it.

    I would also work on a list of 50 people that KNOW, LIKE and TRUST you.

    *********** is available--
    GO TO NOW, and buy it for 10.19!

    I love the tagline.

    Create a Gmail Account ( Google Web based email)

    They have templates you can use to create business cards, invoices, sales letters... it's a great, FREE resource, plus you get plenty of perks because google is constantly adding value.

    It's a lot. I know.


    ALSO-- find your niche!

    SO much more to share, but that should keep you busy.

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