
Topic: Career/Training

Looking For Professional Advice On Certifications

Posted byjsmith6on 125 Points
Hello I am a soldier in US Army currently deployed in Iraq. In the civilian world I am JR Marketing student at OU. I have some extra time that I want to spend studying and am looking for a certification that will put me ahead of the game when I get back home. Anyone have some ideas for certifications and feedback on how it helped/would have helped you?
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  • Posted bymktgcbbon Accepted
    网络是一个普遍的和成本有效的魅力nnel that anything that you can do to show competence in e-commerce, search marketing, social networking, etc is well regarded. Of course, you still need to show that you understand basic marketing principles. Certification in these areas will also open up more options for you -- in larger companies, these can be their own departments and specialties. In other companies, this exerpertise will make you more well rounded and useful. The knowledge is applicable to B2C or B2B and spans various industries. There are numerous certificates out there either from associations or online universities or brick & mortar programs. Good luck!
  • Posted byPeter (henna gaijin)on Accepted
    I would choose a certification that compliments the marketing degree you are getting. Maybe choose one on a specialization in marketing that is not offered by your university (example, if you school doesn't have a lot of classes in online marketing, getting a certificate in that).

    或choose one based on an industry that you are interested in and that is likely to have jobs in the geographic region you want to be in (example being a certificate in biotech or the medical field).

    Either way, this should help make you stand out over the other students (as will the military experience). Good for you for taking this certificate on, and thank you for your service to our country.
  • Posted bymgoodmanon Accepted
    I think I might not focus so much on the certification and more on what you can learn that will be useful in your career. Read the books that will provide the understanding and know-how for the areas of marketing that interest you most.

    Start with the books recommendedhere. Then check out some of the seminars and articles here on MarketingProfs. Go online and check out the blogs of some marketing experts.

    In short, read all you can about the marketing issues and case studies for the aspects of marketing that are most interesting for you.

    That will put you farther ahead than any certification.

    And thank you for your service. We appreciate it.

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