
Topic: Strategy

Additional Strategies For Kids Consignment Sale

Posted byDorothy Vernon-Brownon 250 Points
I'm planning a 2 day kids consignment sale, May 1 & 2 in the Toronto area. (A consignment sale is kinda new)
To ensure it's success we need to reach hundreds of:
1. Consignors i.e moms with kids (infants to teens) who want to earn extra cash by cleaning out their kids closet and consigning new or gently used kids stuff.
2. Resale shoppers (moms mostly) who want to save and bargain shop on new and gently used kids stuff for spring/summer.

与营销预算有限we are doing the following: flyer distribution to schools, daycares, nurseries etc. Posting event on free community notice boards. Paid print advert. in kid friendly news magazine and community newspaper. Facebook page. YouTube video (need fresh ideas to create viral take-off). Email campaign to current database, WOM (family, friends, colleagues etc.) and press releases to the print and electronic media.

Are there any other strategies to suggest? Would love to do something out-of-the box (funny, quirky) to get really good media publicity. Landing an interview on our local morning shows would be a coup.

Also, what would be the better way to position the press release to get the interest of the editor- angle as a great opportunity for consumers to earn and save in these difficult economic times or an opportunity to help the planet by reusing, recycling and reducing? Some other angle, perhaps?

Fresh and creative thinking really welcomed.
Caveat: Limited budget.

Thanks alot.

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  • Posted byLinda Whiteheadon Accepted
    Hi, I'm not an expert on marketing to kids/moms, nor do I know where you are located. However, I might suggest contacting relevant bloggers and trying to get them to post your event. I did a search and I came up with,,, and these are just a few. You may have to offer some type of incentive to get their attention.
    Maybe you could offer a coupon/discount on relevant blogs. Or your website.
    For PR purposes, maybe you can come up with some hook that will appeal to morning shows. Maybe you can entice a children's celebrity to appear at/endorse the event and put out a quick press release about this. Or maybe you can come up with some type of theme/book signing or event that will have appeal with the target audience. Perhaps do some type of poll that gets the attention of parents and issue that as a press release. I think it would be important to get mentions by DJ's on radio shows so you need to have something a little quirky to get their attention.
    I think the "green" approach is more meaningful and the way to go. You might be able to build a theme around this also.
    Best of luck,
    Hope this helps.

  • Posted on Accepted
    Did you include

    Laundry mats are a secret hot spot, and something tells me clothing will be on their minds!

    I didn't see churches on your list.

    What about plastic signs at 4 way stops near schools, playgrounds, etc. Purchase a toll free number and record a message with information.

    Tacky, but here in the states we have people put mini fliers on our cars while we are shopping.

    I would mostly contact the 5 most active GREEN organizations, and the 5 most active female empowerment organizations, and make sure they have it on their calendars.

    Hopefully Helpful.
  • Posted byDorothy Vernon-Brownon Author
    Thanks Linda. Some very useful ideas here.
  • Posted byDorothy Vernon-Brownon Author
    Churches, car windscreens and Craigslist - Yes.
    Thanks for the laundry mat reminder - overlooked that.

    Love the green and women's orgs. ideas. Will jump on that.

    Thanks very much.
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    Dog & Children's Parks.
    Skateboard Parks (older kids may have older stuff to sell as well).
    Attach kids' clothing to cars that you (and your staff) drive around in - with a sign ("Time For New Clothing?").
    Add a swap-o-rama-rama ( to your sale.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Are you a non-profit organization or is there a relevant one in your area that you can partner with? I'm not sure about in Canada, but in the US the radio stations are required to play a certain number of PSA's so you may be able to get some radio spots at no charge if you are working with a non-profit. You can also invite their personalities to participate and broadcast from your event.

    If you're looking for a hook, I would find something that is specifically relevant to your town. For example, I am in upstate NY and flooding has been a large issue here over the past several years. We are getting into that season again so it's at the top of everyone's minds. If I was marketing to local people here, I might promote a percentage of sales being donated to local flood relief.

    Hope this helps!
  • Posted byDorothy Vernon-Brownon Author
    These are really neat ideas - I most certainly will include what I can.

    Breathe Easy - I've started to tackle the green and women's orgs.

    To answer Rsloand's question - we're not a not-for-profit org but part of the proceeds will go to a youth charity, so I could explore that idea.

    杰伊-车窗概念是孩子们的衣服really neat. We did think of the swap component for moms. It'd definitely worth a try. Love it!

    This is great - lots of fodder. Much appreciated.


    PS. I welcome any ideas for our YouTube video - I'm considering a concept around 'Confessions of a Consignor Mom'. Not too sure what direction to go. Looking for some humour.

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