
Topic: Strategy

Will It Help Stop Spamhaus?

Posted byflangeron 125 Points
There is a blog i really love -

I want to help those guys to stop spamhaus's despotism. There are true stories about spamhaus frauds, crimes and illegal activities.

Please, give me some sources where I can share this link.

We neeed more freedom-fighters to win this battle!
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  • Posted byInbox_Interactiveon Accepted
    I'm not suggesting that I agree with anything you're saying, but you're going about this the wrong way.

    You can't "stop" spamhaus. They're providing a service, nothing more. And if you want freedom of speech, why can't they have the same thing?

    If you want to hurt someone, you go after their bank account. In this case, you go after their customers and let them know about the problems you see at spamhaus.

    Of course, you won't go this route because you probably can't back up every thing you want to say, and you're going to get the pants sued off you for interfering with their business.

    My advice is to focus your energy on a cause a little more worthy of the effort.

    Just my $0.02.
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    你显然不喜欢Spamhaus的。而不是克雷亚ting a tirade against them, why not tell your story. What happened? What was the reaction? Then what happened? What was the cost to you personally, your business, etc.? The more you tell and the less you rant, the more likely people are to listen to your story (and perhaps likewise share their stories).
  • Posted bymatthewmnexon Accepted
    I think that this entirely the wrong forum for this discussion.

    This a place for marketing people to help other marketing people to be better at what they do.

    If you have interesting marketing questions, please ask them.

    Personal vendettas and grudges should be posted on youtube :))

    Good luck,

  • Posted byChris Blackmanon Accepted
    If you have some issue with Spamhaus and you can't resolve the matter through direct negotiation, go set up a blog and say what you feel you need to say.

    Better make sure of your facts first though, because publishuing incorrect, misleading or dafamatory information might find you on the wrong end of an expensive writ from Spamhaus lawyers.

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