
Topic: Customer Behavior

高级Citizen Buying Habits.

Posted byrkeefeon 125 Points
We are currently doing some print ads and TV for a senior living facility. We are strongly suggesting to throw in some direct mail to the mix. Do you have any stats that support the premise that seniors like to hold on to a printed piece before a decision is made.
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  • Posted bymichaelon Accepted

    Are you thinking that seniors are the decision makers in this? Or, are you thinking that, if they have a nice piece, they'll share it with their kids.

  • Posted bymktgcbbon Accepted
    I heard a speaker at NEDMA a few years back that specialized in marketing to the 50+ audience. His name is Kurt Media, Medina Associates. He's a great speaker--I'd recommend attending one of his seminars if you do a lot of marketing to seniors. Here's a link to the resources section of his website. There's some free information there too.
    Also, I took away from the seminar a book called The 77 truths about marketing to the 50+ consumer. It looks like it's been updated and available on his site for under $20. It's a great resource.

    I think that you'll find that DM works very well for seniors -- but "seniors" is a tricky term -- depending on whether they're 60/70/80 their motivators, life stages and needs will be very different. With a little research, DM could be a great way to target each cohort efficiently and economically.
  • Posted byccrosseron Accepted
    From personal (not professional) experience with my mother - she loves getting mail even direct mail though now someone needs to help her read it because of her failing eyesight. She recently purchased a cell phone and service as a result of a direct mail piece plus TV ads. One reinforced the other.
  • Posted on Accepted
    老年人是一个忠实的消费群体,消费者支付意图l attention to word of mouth recommendations, especially from their peers. In recent years, there has been a huge change in the way seniors perceive themselves. Studies show that older adults tend to feel around 10 to 15 years younger than their actual age. While age is a consideration when segmenting your market, it can be further defined by income, ethnic origin, health, etc.

    或ganizations need to realize that not all seniors are the same. Older adults have their own individuality, which increases with age as more life experiences are enjoyed. The advertisements created for seniors should sell experience over age. Instead of an advertisement promoting a service as being specifically designed for older adults, it should emphasize that the people who will most benefit from it are not necessarily older people, but those with life experiences.

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