
Topic: Strategy

B2b Marketing: Customer Open Day

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points

I have recently been given the task to organise an open day for one of our major customers.

The general outline so far is to offer our customers a tour of our manufacturing and engineering facilities etc and provide a few presentations later in the day on the relationship between both us and our customer and how will plan to continue this relationship for years to come ....

Since this is the first 'open day' i have ever organised, i don't have a great background or knowledge on what i should include and how i could be creative to make this a more exciting day for the visitors rather than just a day of corporate presentations etc.

谁有什么想法、经验或任何信息吗rmation that could help point me in the right direction? As stated above, ideally i want to make this as interesting and exciting a possible; a day they will remember rather than a day watching presentation after presentation.

Any help would be highly appreciated

Many thanks

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  • Posted byFrank Hurtteon Member
    Here is a short outline of what has worked well for many of my clients:
    1) Tour of Facility - this should be done by someone with whom the customer has interaction. It should be scripted so that customer selling points are brought out.
    2) Explanation of various processes - Individuals from the plant floor should be called upon to explain what they are doing in detail. Again these should be prearranged and designed to feature customer benefits.
    3) Presentations by Engineering, customer service, ect.
    4) Meet and greet. The highest level people available should be at the this event.

    Hope this helps. Contact me via my profile if you have specific questions that should be answered outside of a web forum.
  • Posted bymichaelon Member
    The more time they can spend with the production people the better. A line supervisor will give a more interesting explanation than a VP. When a customer knows the "inside" he becomes linked to you.

    I've not done these, but have participated. That's my framework.

  • Posted byCarolBlahaon Accepted
    I just did 3 tours in one day. First, remember the personal protection gear, Seems silly, but this was the first tour where someone actually enforced this, and in talking to the organizers, stuff does happen. They've had clients lose fingers-- and that'll put a damper on things!

    The tour should be conducted by the plant manager. Questions will arise about production, and someone with only a script won't be able to answer that. Quality control, dedication to processes (6sigma or similar) are always topics a customer wants to know. You are a extension of them. Being open will go a long way here-- and you can be open without fear of any proprietary secrets. . Talk to the plant manager, he's probably very proud of his facility and will be a good source of info about what makes this facility unique.

    Do a good lunch. You don't have to go out, a working lunch is probably preferred.

    Tour the office, show the call center, how you fulfil samples, etc. Those are people they interact with and never get to put a face to the voice.

    Then your meetings as you described. Cause you have laid the foundation of you as a credible make it happen company!!

  • Posted byLinda Whiteheadon Accepted
    Depending on what it is that you are manufacturing, perhaps you can set up some sort of demo. If any software is involved in the manufacturing/design process, create a demo using the client name and details-show them how it works. Or if software isn't involved, try to walk them through the manufacturing process involving one of their projects/products. It is much more meaningful and impactful when they see their product flowing through production.

    Other little touches really count. Have a big welcome sign (print or digital) with the attendees names when they enter the building-everyone likes to see their name in lights! Make sure you have interesting snacks always available-make sure they are well fed and not distracted by empty stomachs! Try to make your presentations as interesting as possible-video, dynamic powerpoint-and again, include the client in the presentation wherever you can. The most important thing-you need to make the presentations about the client-make sure your team is taking advantage of the opportunity and asking the right questions in terms of their business direction going forward. When clients are away from the stress of their offices, they will generally be more relaxed and happy to talk.
  • Posted byCarolBlahaon Member
    Don't worry about quality presenters-- as I stated transparent is key to a major vendor. Their passion says it all.

    Randall had a great post-- read into it. When I go into a plant the silliest things are my mementos. I'm all over the slightest things-- They are the pieces that I teach future classes. A scrap of a product --and they make my presentations better

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