
Topic: E-Marketing

Typical Cost To Rent An Email List

Posted by Anonymous on 45 Points
What kind of prices and services, does a company that rents and trades email lists, provide?
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  • Posted byk.pohlmanon Accepted
    My experience has been that it can start at about .50 and go up from there. What they provide varies as well.

    Personally, we've gone away from purchasing these lists because most of the time the information is outdated (contact has left the company).

    What has worked for us is joining industry associations retlated to our products/services. People tend to show loyalty to other members.

    Good Luck!
  • Posted on Accepted
    Lists buying is not sucessful now a days as k.pohlman rightly said many times contacts have left the company and joined somewhere else.

    Use your references who so ever you can use in any case. Convince them to give you as many as proffesional, personal email database they carrry. Tell your friends, couleagues everyone do the same and make it cycle. And you will having a see of relevant database. At the end you have to do extra work to re arrange and segment this database but you will get relevant, exact and precise database.

    Tanuja Thapliyal
    Spreading Smiles :)
  • Posted byMarcoon Accepted
    There are some good lists out there but they are few and far between. My advice (budget permitting) is to get a reputable list broker that has a lot of experience and text 5k cells of your final list of candidates. To get to the final list, use common sense, selects andfeedback from the list broker on previous experience.

  • Posted on Accepted

    $500/M (M= per 1000 names) is usually found in the tech space. The IT/Tech space has some of the most costly email data. Most of these lists are very clean and hard bounces are removed. These are generally people who have left the company.

    Other B2B lists are less expensive.

    Start by taking a good look at who your best customers are. Know who they are an where they come. This will make finding a list a lot easier.

    Do rent email names from companies willing to send you the data so you can send the emails out on your own. THis is SPAM. Do not rent lists from harvesters. Ask the source of the data and where can you go to register. Look for focus publications and websites that offer email as an option.

    Should you be doing 3rd party email? I depends on your brand image. Is your company well known with in your target audience? If not you may be bettered served using postal. It is a lot easier to tell a store with postal.

    Please feel free to contact me with any questions.


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