
Topic: Website Critique

Web Page Conversion

Posted byTryswitchon 25 Points
Just launched a website about women's scarves

1. Is the landing page ok?
2. how easy is it for a visitor to understand what the website is about
3. And also what about navigating the website and the products? How easy is it?

Constructive criticism only please

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  • Posted byLinda Whiteheadon Accepted
    I think it is very clear what the website is about and navigation seems fine.
    My only comment is about the landing page-the focus is mainly on price and I would caution against that. I was actually at a cocktail party last night with several senior retail executives, and we were discussing how low price does not win during a recession. If women are going to part with their money, they want to buy something a little different. You may want to play up how buying scarves can update outfits and give a new look. I would emphasize fashionability more on the home page than price. Just a suggestion to think about.
    Linda Whitehead
    Zuz Marketing
  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    I'd suggest more (larger) images of your product and less text. First, people need to be enticed, then comforted that the product is a good price/trustworthy seller.

    Website grader gives you a 48 / 100 ( It points out a number of things you can do yourself to improve the SEO.
  • Posted on Accepted

    Thanks, for testing your page before dropping it on people!

    1) The landing page is fine. It didn't scare me away with sales demands, but did beckon me with images of product to find interest in. Also, the fact that most of the text was black on a white background made it easy to read and reminded me of the form of writing I've used most of my life.
    2) There's no question what the website is about. The image of a woman in brown sporting a brown scarf, however, would not normally be my first choice of one of the lead images, as the scarf becomes more or less invisible under those conditions. However, the proponderance of scarfs on the page made the point obvious.
    Also, it was clear where the specials lived. I could immediately tell which plastic you accepted, and pricing was clear without taking away from the experience of just thinking about what would be nice to have.
    3) Navigation was fine, so long as you assure me that everything has not been enabled, yet. For example, I tried to see how close to making a purchase I could get and did not get very far, at all. Also, the Low Price Promise badge didn't open to anything. I'm sure that's just because you're early in the process. However, do make sure all the buttons do something.
    Also, some further variety (at least, on the landing page) might be nice. I say this, because the difference between the "Neck Scarves" and "Pashmina scarves" categories (Please, capitalize "scarves" in "Pashmina scarves") is not clear. In fact, the neck scarf shown on the landing page looks just like one of the Pashmina when I dig into that section. If you're talking about composition of the fabric, please mention the word "silk," or whatever, right in the category title.

    I think this would be a fun place to shop! :O)

    I see women thanking you for wrapping them in affordable luxury!

    Sunshine & Blessings,
  • Posted byTryswitchon Author
    Thank you guys for you suggestions and comment. Your input have been noted and we will take all the necessary step to make the required changes.

    Once again thank you.


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