
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name/positioning To Differentiate Aspergers Clinic

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I’m working with a clinic that is going to focus on Asperger clients, serving young children to young adults and their families.

Asperger's (or Asperger) is a milder variant of Autistic Disorder and usually function on a higher level than others in this category. These individuals are characterized by social isolation because of impairments in social interaction and verbal and non-verbal communication. (If you want more information, let me know and I’ll add it.)

The clinic will offer comprehensive, integrated programs, providing innovative programming, personal care and attention specific to each client’s age, developmental stage, strengths, and deficits. See bottom for listing of potential services.

Some initial names that were brainstormed focuses on Aspirations because it reflects the goal to help clients reach for their very best, and it also somewhat mimics the psychology classification, “Asperger.” I’m not sure if we can use “Aspirations” in terms of trade marking. We also played with the word, “connection,” because it speaks to helping Asperger clients related to their difficulty communicating and interacting with people. In this regard, the clinic will be helping clients make "connections" on several levels, brain/behavior, interpersonal connections, professional/client, client and community resources, making connections between visual cues and meanings, repairing connections within the family. However, there’s a local agency that has a newsletter, “Autism Connections,” so I’m concerned about using this name. I’d love to hear your comments, other names, tag lines, and positioning ideas you may have. Here are some initial names:

Life Aspirations
Aspirations, Inc.
Aspirations, Inc.
Apergers Institute of Michigan or AIM

I'm not sure if we can use the following because they're trademarked:
Life Connections (Commemorative cups made of non-precious metal)
Aspirations (bathtub and shower plumbing)
Connections (teaching books)
Connections Incorporated
Trusted Connections

Here are the services I said I would list: Services will include psychological/neurological testing, social work/psychotherapy (individual, group, and family therapy and parent education), speech and language development, community integration, education/tutoring, fitness health education, vocational facilitation, occupational therapy, art therapy, music and dance movement therapy, drama therapy, recreational therapy including summer camp, and other

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  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    How about:
    Asperations (intentional misspelling) or
    Asperger And Fries (play on words highlighting children)
  • Posted on Accepted
    Synapse Connections
    Synapse Trust
    Cordial Trust
    Allied Connections
    Cordial House
    Allied Home
    Integrity House

  • Posted bySteveByrneMarketingon Accepted
    Thank you for a well thought out question.

    I usually go with my first gut reaction, which in this case is to go with "Apergers Institute of Michigan" or "Apergers Clinic of Michigan". This name states clearly and straight forwardly who you are as an organization.

    创建一个强大的定位策略(交货pressed as a tagline) will take some time. Geographically, you are positioned in Michigan, which is a start. You also have non-profit competition. One challenge is to understand how your target audience views your competitive landscape. How would they define or describe the category or segment that you occupy along with others. Would it be an "autism" category or would it be even broader.

    The link below provides some insight into the positioning process.

    Best of luck,

  • Posted byajanzeron Accepted
    I agree that you need to keep Aspergers in the name - your audience will self-identify. The "Institute" in Aspergers Institute might imply more research, while you're providing services.

    Given your service/educational slant, I'd go with something active or positive:

    Aspire: Living with Aspergers

    or Aspire: Services for Aspergers

    However, Aspergers and Fries is really fun!

  • Posted byTraceyon Accepted
    I've heard the nickname "Aspy" used (as in, Aspy kids), which I think makes it sound less like a disease and more like something that makes these kids unique.

    You could use a name like "Aspy Kids Clinic" with a tagline that includes something about "aspiration". Although, this might get a younger demographic than what you're looking for.

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