
Topic: E-Marketing

E-mail Layout

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Hello All,

Need to send out personalized e-mail to international associations. I am thinking if I should use an HTML layout or stick to less interactive content and more informative one.

e.g.. Will try to reach the head of International Greek Schools Association.

Around 200 associations.

What would you advise
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  • Posted byPaul Kemperon Accepted
    I measured open rates on HTML email and equivalent text-only mail. The HTML mail had a 10% higher open rate. So I concluded that there is not a significant difference. The message could be conveyed on text-ony. If I have a message that needs more graphical content to convey the message, I always ue HTML.
  • Posted byBill Schickon Member
    See, it's answers like this that don't make sense. A 10% higher open rate is significant. Regardless, a blend of high-impact, RELEVANT graphics, and short, to the point text will have a better chance of being read.
  • Posted byLinda Whiteheadon Member
    It may depend on your audience. Open rates aren't the only measure of email success, because the subject line is probably the main driver of open rates.

    We always measured click-through rates as the true indicator of engagement. And I have read many case studies and experienced myself, click-throughs are much higher with a graphic call to action vs. a plain text link.

    I have always found HTML emails to have greater success in any testing we have done in the past, but different audiences may react differently.

    My biggest piece of advice-test it! For your first email, split your list and do an A/B test. Do half plain text with some relevant graphics and half as HTML. This will give you direction as to the best way to go for future campaigns.

    Linda Whitehead
    Zuz Marketing

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