
Topic: Strategy

One Person Marketing Two Competing Locations

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
I am a marketing director for a large parking facility in a busy city - We are about to acquire an additional parking location very close to my current facility -

The owners of the new facility want me to give them a good answer to; "how will you market both locations"

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  • Posted on Accepted
    Both locations have been successful on their own merit, so the combination of the two will be a recognizable force. "The Power Of Two" will give the current customer base flexibility in location and ample space available. In addition, it will allow you to expand to new customers in the area to use the areas most expansive offering in the area at an affordable price.

  • Posted byJay Hamilton-Rothon Accepted
    If they're truly competitors, then you need to highlight the convenience they each offer to local stores/services (even if they're a block away from each other). Perhaps offer a loyalty program for one (that's to the benefit of regular visitors). You don't want to say "we're better than the other guy".
  • Posted on Accepted
    Can you elaborate more on the service that both facilities offer? I mean are they public or private facilities that belong to certain enterprises where only members can park? Do they both have the same parking rate? Do they require any membership or no memberships? some elaborations that can differentiate the 2 facilities from each other
  • Posted byajanzeron Accepted
    I am not sure how you work for two such direct competitors - personally, I would consider this a conflict and not take the second client. This is probably not the answer you want to hear. But the second client is already suspicious of how it's going to work, and if you don't have a good answer, that uncertainty will always be part of your relationship with that client.
  • Posted on Accepted
    This is a portfolio management challenge similar to one company's marketing two competing rental car brands with similar offerings (as DTAG does with Dollar and Thrifty) or one company's marketing two competing cat food brands with similar offerings (as Nestle-Purina does with Friskies and Cat Chow).

    Our company ( has experience with both DTAG and Nestle-Purina in successfully doing this. With garages, you are right across the street from one another with similar offerings. With rental cars, we were side by side in the same airport facilities with similar product offerings. And with cat food, we were side by side on the same store shelves with similar product offerings.

    In our experience, you need to segment the market and differentiate the two parking garages based on brand (promise + experience) to offer a unique brand selling proposition for each one.

    Maybe you transform one garage into a no-frills, park it yourself, low-cost model (the Southwest Airlines of garages). Then you position the other one as a full service, valet, we'll park your car and even wash it for you, higher priced brand (the British Airways of garages).

    也许你一个汽车修理部向吸引家庭地位s and/or leisure customers, while the other garage focuses on business people.

    Maybe you position one garage for residents (offer a compelling loyalty program, discounts for monthly and annual customers, etc.) and the other is positioned for transient customers.

    The positions could be even more edgy, if they truly differentiate the facilities from one another, generate awareness, and are persuasive reasons to use the facilities. Perhaps one garage remains a traditional garage, while the other one gets a "Hooters" theme and is positioned to appeal to males 25 - 54. Sort of the Burger King of garages versus the McDonald's of garages.

    或, maybe you don't need to differentiate the two garages at all. If there is enough demand and one garage has a strong, established brand reputation, then you could simply promote and market the fact that this strong parking brand is taking over the garage across the street and can now serve twice as many customers with the high level of customer service to which they have become accustomed.

    Hope this is useful.

    Evan Brownstein
    Smart Monkey Marketing

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